2nd Grow: Organic Bagseed CFL Coco Grow


Well-Known Member
Well thanks for the compliments, glad people care I post this stuff. Yeah, I plan on buying a 150 watt hps system in January, when I have the money. I found a really neat little sun system model for like 80 bucks. Its going to be perfect for my limited power consumption set up. If you ever have any questions don't be afraid to ask, I have questions sometimes as well, everyone on here is learning constantly you know. I still have yet to pull off a flawless grow... but I think I'm on the right track.:weed::weed::weed:


Well-Known Member
So, I'm pretty sure I have a girl!:hump: I was just doing some peeking with my magnifying glass, and the new growth on MS2 looks a lot different than the pre-flowers on the males. I suspected this one to be a girl because she seems to be a completely different pheno of the same seed. It's still to early to tell for sure, but I think so. Check out the pic, it sucks but whatever.



Well-Known Member
Thats pretty sweet but I cant tell myself haha but I think you're on to something. If you get a chance swing by my journal I could use some help on the pruning part. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Update: December 28, 2008

Sooo, MS2 ended up being a male. So did the one that sexed after it, MI2, the one with the sideways growth. What am I, running a male breeding facility here? If anyone is keeping track, that's four males, zero females so far.:wall:

Here are some pictures of what I have going right now, I WILL NOT GIVE UP. I have three babies right now, the first one pictured which is slightly older is SS(SourSativa), this is the one I'm most excited about, the bud was great. She's coming out of the burn nicely, new growth looks nice and green. The next two seedlings are GS(Grapefruit Sativa), and GI(Green Indica), respectively. All of the names this round come from traits of the bud the seeds came from. GS is actually the same bagseed as the first four males. These two younger ones look a lot happier, this time I re-used the soil from one of the males because some of the ferts are used up, shouldn't burn them this time around. I took a few shots of that last male, I'm going to chop him right now. Its too bad, the plant was looking really lush. Anyway let me know what you think.



Well-Known Member
sorry buddy bought the males that blows the plants looked so nice too. how long into flowering were you when they showed?
I read never to re-use soil in a book a have, but Im not gonna sit here and tell you to change what youre doing you prob know more than me haha. Anyways good luck with the little guys hopefully you wont be going 7-7 haha. Sorry again!


Well-Known Member
sorry buddy bought the males that blows the plants looked so nice too. how long into flowering were you when they showed?
I read never to re-use soil in a book a have, but Im not gonna sit here and tell you to change what youre doing you prob know more than me haha. Anyways good luck with the little guys hopefully you wont be going 7-7 haha. Sorry again!
Really? I assumed it would be fine, I've heard of people adding nutrients to used soil and re-using it. I just did that without adding the nutrients. I figured it would be fine because I use PBP which is a stand alone fertilizer. Did what you read have a specific reason? Yeah man I'm pissed about the males, 1st grow I went 2/4 and now I'm getting my ass handed to me. I have high hopes about the new seedlings, actually my theory seems to be working, the new seedlings are experiencing no burn and look very healthy in the used soil. I'll probably wake up tomorrow and they'll be all shriveled up and dead with my luck lately haha.


Well-Known Member
yea they said never re-use soil because if there was an infection or disease in the soil you would just be transplanting on to the next plant. but thats a what if... personally i wouldnt re-use it just cause of paranoia that i would get the plant sick haha thats just me though. you know your materials better than I so you do what you thinks best.
haha yea you got a swift kick in the nuts on getting those males(no puns)hah. its a total let down all that work! but i guess thats part of the business end of it... stupid plants


Well-Known Member
Update: December 29, 2008

Here's some pics of the veg chamber, I made a few changes since I'm not using the flowering chamber right now. With the free'd up wattage I added a 65 watt 4100k bulb I had laying around, also added a 13 watt 5000k cfl as well. The last bulb had to be small because of heat issues. Now I have the full daylight spectrum going, 4100k all the way up to 6500k. I can't wait to see how it works. The two newest seedlings are looking really green, and SS is coming out of burn nicely and looks nice and fuzzy.



Well-Known Member
Update: January 01, 2009

Okay I have the first pic update of the new year here for you guys. Still working on the same three seedlings, with a couple more germ'd seeds planted and waiting to show their pretty little faces. SS seems to have completely recovered from her stint with the burn, the new growth looks very green, this ones a slow grower though. GI and GS(1) are both looking phenomenal, I think I solved the nutrient burn problem I've been having in my seedlings. GI has a crinkled leaf, but that happened minutes after I removed its humidity dome this morning, should be purely stress related. The two beans I just planted are a couple more GS, these ones are GS2 and GS3. I hope with seven of the same bagseed popped so far at least ONE of these new GS's is female. The order of the seedling pics is SS, GS1, and GI, respectively. Enjoy :-P



Well-Known Member
Haha its okay Dr. Green Nutz. This one actually pertains to my journal, whether this guy knows it or not. Yes, you could top then lollipop, it wouldn't be a true lollipop with two prominent shoots, but I see what you mean. To be honest that's basically what I'm planning. I've been topping my plants above the fourth node, and when I move them into flower I'll trim off all branches and fans on the bottom of the plant, leaving four growth shoots for four strong fat buds. I find the more bud sites on the plant, the smaller the buds are, and small buds make me sad...:-(
yo dankness, sorry to take you back so far but it just caught my eye. when do you cut the lower fan leaves? right at the beggining of flowering or later in it... Im asking cause I was wondering if and when I should do my own plants


Well-Known Member
yo dankness, sorry to take you back so far but it just caught my eye. when do you cut the lower fan leaves? right at the beggining of flowering or later in it... Im asking cause I was wondering if and when I should do my own plants
I plan on cutting the lower fan leaves AND the lower growth shoots off as soon as they show sex. The reason I'm waiting until they sex is that there is no reason to stunt a male and prolong the amount of time wasted on it. When I FINALLY find a female, I plan on taking clones so they'll be guaranteed females. Then I can prune them before I move them into flower, probably about a week before, this week is for the plant to get over the stress of the pruning. Normally I wouldn't be waiting till they show sex, stressing a plant while its sexing is a good way to hermie a plant. Like I said though, I'm not going to prune every plant a week before flower and stunt them just to have them turn out male, that would suck.


Well-Known Member
yea excellent advice thanks... Its too late then for me i started flowering a week ago now. Im just going to let my 2 girls go and be themselves at this point. I just got my seeds in today tho and they are all females so ill use your advice on that grow thanks


Well-Known Member
No its not just for clones, you can do it with your plants from seed. The ONLY reason I don't is because it stunts them temporarily. If the plant ends up being a male, it was just a big waste of time. Only wastes like a week or so though, so if you got the time rock the fuck out. Less growth shoots usually means you get the same amount of bud, but its concentrated on a smaller area. Meaning... bigger buds!:clap:

Some sad news to report today. Last night I was kind of stoned and I went to water the seedlings, The first dixie I grab, I knock against one of the cfl's and THE WHOLE FUCKING CUP empty's on the chamber's floor.:wall: It was one of the seeds I just germ'd, so there was no root structure holding the soil together. I try to salvage the little guy and re-plant, but for the life of me I can't find the damn thing. I spread the soil out all over the chamber floor till its about a half inch thick, pull out the magifying glass, and still NOTHING! So I just threw all the soil away. I'm pissed. I hope you are happy out there somewhere in pot heaven GS3...


Well-Known Member
Update: January 07, 2009

Another pic update today, all four seedlings are doing well and starting to take off. You can see that the SS, although its the oldest plant, is looking like its going to be passed up in size by GS1. GS1 is a fast grower, probably another fucking male. GI1 is looking a little weighed down by the warm soil, she'll grow into it in the next few days though. GS2 just peeked her head through the soil yesterday, they look so beautiful before we fuck em up somehow haha.

