2nd grow


Well-Known Member
and im trying to go cheap. feeding them in the holes is pricey. also sticking strictly organic. however close i get with omri listed shit is all in faith lol.


Well-Known Member
Oh ya how big are your pots? And what are the nutrients you are using your girls are beautiful! Wish mine looked that good!


Well-Known Member
thanks dude. the pots i think are 45s. i amended the soil with alfalfa, kelp, blood meal and a little bit of bone and potash. i recently put quite a bit of potash on the girls in the ground. then ive watered three times with fish emulsion, superthrive, humic acid and aloe vera. so im thinking next feeding will be potash, bone meal, and the little bit of superthrive, aloe and humic combination i have left. also some watered down emulsion.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I am pretty sure bone meal has to break down before it does much good. 3-6 months; Double check that though.

If you're stuck on doing the organic thing, my first thought is a high P bird guano tea. And BE CAREFUL with potash!!! You mean a muriate of potash? It's a chloride fertilizer. I wouldn't even use it in containers; I'd be too scared. Also, woodash can screw up your plants fast because of the pH. Ever notice how plants are reluctant to grow in a fire pit? Just because the K is high on potash doesn't mean it's better than something with a balanced PK like guano + molasses.



Well-Known Member
yeah, ill take your word on the bone. as for the ash its soluble potash. i looked and the chlorine content is at .08% max. didnt even look at that. as for the potash i threw in quite a bit of dolomite in each plant. ill probably go with the guano as you recommended. ill have to make myself a brewing station here in the next few weeks. now i have 40lbs of bone for next year! score. lmao


Well-Known Member
Do what you want to do. If it's working for you, then go for it. I've just messed up with it in the past, wanted to make sure you were aware of potential problems. My brewing station is a bucket and air pump w/ stones. Maybe you have a barrel laying around somewhere?


Well-Known Member
last year i did what im doing this year but with much smaller quantities of each. came out fantastic. yeah. i have buckets. just gotta get the airstones.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit that's nuts haha I Used like a hundred on my whole grow lol. You think using that much soil makes a difference?


Well-Known Member
fuck yeah! throw out some 4 hundreds and with the right knowledge you can pull 10-15 a plant. look up humboldtlocal on here. he has a thread from a few years ago. beasty ass plants