2nd Hand Smoke Harmful or Helpful To Plants????

This is kinda sumthin i dont see talkd about much, is 2nd hand smoke harmful or helpful?? Both cigarette & gangja smoke, wit tha research history known im leaning alot more towards tha harmful side naturally, but u never know nowadays lol i ask cuz i got my bedroom in tha garage & i have my gurls growing out here too. Well i smoke cigs out here all tha time, i dont hotbox cigs or even buds, i always try n leave tha door cracked open but still smoke alot in here. Soooo....i was wondering if anybody knows or has any thoughts on tha subject, i cant imagine nicotine smoke being very healthy for them but than again they absorb CO2 unlike us, and would tha plants absorbing & feeding off their own gangja smoke be considered CANNAbolism?? Lmao any help or comments would be appreciated, thanx


Well-Known Member
I grow in my "man's cave" which is where I smoke as well.

I don't think it's good for your plants but likely not that bad.....but I think second hand smoke is not good for the life of your bulbs due to the smoke residue

a senile fungus

Well-Known Member
I'd imagine the smoke can block their stomata, which would impede respiration and transpiration.

I'd have to look it up to know for sure, but something tells me that secondhand smoke isn't good for living, breathing things.
Soooo u guys are sayin i should switch to "light" smokes and i should be fine than rite?? Lol jk but for real, obviously cigs aren't tha healthiest thing around no matter how cool they make u look lol n even as obvious as tha answer seems i just wanted to hear if any1 knew tha Why's & How's involved(Same wit 2nd hand Ganja). I do a pretty big bit of reading on MMJ & idt ive ever really seen this subject talked about much at all, if any. It seems like after reading up ull find tha importance of air flow, air filters, vents, fans etc all of which point to a good study in/out venting flow of fresh temp & humi controlled co2 rich air. But can any1 elaborate a lil more on exactly how and wat all tha plant absorbs? Like ONLY co2, certain elements and gases, or ALL of em? Mite sound like a dumb question but hey they all used to say cigarettes arent bad for u but gangja is, and thats changed around pretty much now(research is power)

Ps....so is every1s verdict on mmj smoke tha same as nicotine than too??


Well-Known Member
tar and other residue build up is terrible.if you are a smoker then go run a finger nail across the headliner of your vehicle. that brown gunk build up is also collecting on your plants,bulbs,fan units,inside ballast,computer stuff.don't need to know the chemical compounds to know it's a detriment that builds up over time.


Well-Known Member
Burning any carbon-based material (organic matter) creates carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide displaces other gases in the air like oxygen and carbon dioxide. If they're displaced, they're not available for plants to use.


Well-Known Member
I know for a fact cigarette smoke in abundance fucks plants up. tips kinda burnt and wilt and slow growth, though tbh that grow had very bad air flow.