2nd Indoor Grow: Northern Soul 400W HPS + pics


Hello everyone this is as the title says, my second indoor grow with a 400W HPS/MH fixture. I also have three 4' fluorescent shop lights with plant and aquarium (wide spectrum) T12 bulbs. The strain is Northern Soul from Seedsman seeds and there are currently two plants.

The plants are about 30" tall and finishing their 3rd week of flowering. Overall they are 70 days old. The medium they are growing in is promix in 3 gallon pots.

They are being fed advanced nutrients iguana juice bloom at 1/4 strength. This is because their watering schedule is as follows:

day 1: water HEAVILY with just tap water
day 2: nothing
day 3: water with 1/4 strength nutrient solution
day 4: nothing

I do this for a number of reasons but I'm not going to waste my time giving my explanation of it as it is done better in another thread in the advanced section of the forums. It's called making it rain, or I make it rain or some shit. Check it out it made a lot of sense to me for a number of reasons.

The plants were topped twice to create an even canopy and hopefully increase the yield. At the start of flowering the bottom 30-50% of growth was cut off as it wouldn't receive much light anyhow and it improves air circulation through the plant.

The grow tent is a 6.5' cube and i realize the space is rather under-utilized at the moment but hopefully that will soon change.

I also have 3 OG Kush seedlings from reserva privada, 3 more Northern Souls as I didn't get on finding a suitable mother from this first round soon enough. And last but not least I have a grapefruit seedling. These will be going in for the next round where I will hopefully find a few momma's to keep around. The one OG seedling is featured alone in the pics (with two clones that were kind of an experiment and a jade) because I was wondering if anyone knows what the hell is up with it's leaves. They are yellow around the edges and it's only it's first set of true leaves.

That about sums it up and I plant to be updating this as frequently as time permits. Any comments suggestions, what have you would be greatly appreciated as I am still somewhat new to this.



So a bit of an update. Not much is new, the plants are now 4 weeks into flowering. I misspoke in my earlier in my first post when I said they were at the end of week 3. They were at the end of week 2 entering week 3. They are getting fed a bit more now as the one has yellowing fan leaves so I figure it's hungry. You can see how yellow the fan leaves are in the pics I uploaded. I had been feeding them less as there were rust coloured spots on the leaves and I dunno if that was from too much nutes, a deficiency of some kind, or a PH issue or what so I flushed and watered them with tap water for around a week. I have seen this issue on other plants and am of the opinion that it is a magnesium deficiency, do I need Epsom salts or what, because that seemed to work for someone else. The seedlings also have some spots on their leaves that I believe is from water sitting on them in the humidity dome. They were in a very moist environment because I heard seedlings like high humidity and had water sitting on the leaves at most times, however they were under fluorescent bulbs and I've only heard of leaves getting burned under HID lamps. Does anyone know if a fluor. lamp could cause this? the 3 OG kush seedlings are also very lanky and fall over so I've had to hold one up with a paper clip. has anyone else grown OG kush from RP and if so is this typical for them?

The seedlings are under a 20/4 light schedule that I just changed to and already they seem to benefiting from having a little rest. They are a little over a week old with the exception of the largest which is a few days ahead of the others.

besides the yellowing fan leaves on the one flowering plant they are doing fine it seems, showing great resin production and the colas are starting to fill out nicely. The other one has no discoloured leaves besides a tiny bit of nute burn from a while ago. They are now getting 3/4 dose of iguana juice bloom around once a week when before they were getting a 1/4 dose every 4 days. I just started on the 3/4 dose so we will see what happens.

As I said before any comments, suggestions, criticisms, whatever would be greatly appreciated.



shit, sorry about those blurry seedling pics I didn't realize they were that bad until after I posted them. I also forgot to mention that I am feeding them with around 1/4 strength iguana juice grow that I started 2 days ago. They seem to be liking it as growth has picked up somewhat and the new growth is greener.