2nd LED Party Cup Competition Official Update Thread

Update #2... My New Year's Baby has been in the flower tent for a week. Not showing sex yet. Just for fun, I included a photo of my Purple Wreck that is visible in the background of the other shots. It is in Week 5.



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Wow, I missed a lot over the holidays! Had a few weeks off of work too so I wasn't able to be around the computer much and the phone is only good for reading, terrible for typing and viewing pics. Anyway, Happy New Year to everyone, hopefully this will be a badass year for leds and the community at RIU. I tried to recap everyone who is still in this competition. If I missed anyone, I apologize, it was I think Chronickool who summarized the task as a mind-fuck and when I read that I tried to rep him because I laughed my ass off, but I have to spread the love some more. So let's see some of those updates guys, rep will be dished out where deserved.

So here's the list I came up with, if I forgot you, please let me know what post number(s) yours were so I can verify.

1. franjan
2. d3monic
3. sgt john
4. endur0xx
5. alex281
6. campo cultivator
7. randybadandy
8. chronickool
9. growbrooklyn
10. greenghost420
11. jubiare
12. psychonaughtical

If you need to post an update do it, from here on out I'll be looking for a weekend update from each of you.

Some of you have some bad mamma jammas going, I'm liking what you guys are doing. Keep it up!
You Forgot Me Brother Puff Cause Im Real Fucking Late.Oh Well I Hope Im Allowed In But I Understand If Im Not Rules Are Rules.Anyway I Will Be Joing Yall In The Party Cup Shit Talking Contest Regardless.Ive Had Some Real Bad Luck Germming Seeds Lately So I Decided To Change Up My Germming Process.As You Can See Ive Ploped My Seed In A Shot Glass Of Water With 2 Drops Of H2o2 Added.I Will Soak My Seed For 12 Hours Then Its Off To The Flowering Tent For Heat.I Will Do A Vertical Germanation In A Soaked Paper Towel With A Dash Of Great White Added.You Can Also See Im Presoaking My rock Wool In pH R/O Water.pH Of Rock Wool Water Before I Added My Qube Was 5.10 I Was Trying To Hit 5.0 But 5.10 Is Close Enough.As You Can see After Soaking My Wool For A Few Hours My pH Has Risen To 5.36.Tomorrow I Will Post Pics Of My Vertical Germanation Progress :weed:

Party Cup Germ 002 (800x533).jpgParty Cup Germ 003 (800x533).jpgParty Cup Germ 001 (800x533).jpg
Right. I've got six seeds germing, 4 random bag seed and two of my Buddha's Sisters. My rockwool is soaking and I am a waiting.

I've got two taproots showing from the bags. But they need to get bigger! I've honed my nutrients, my lights are my lights and placement is key.

It's on like donkey kong.
Well a party ain't a party if the d.a.w.g. ain't here! Come on in and get your cup on, plenty of room. Think we're going to have to cut off the grace period soon though, so if anyone else is out there thinking about getting in on this, times up on the 10th, that's a nice 5 days of leniency from the original jan. 5th deadline.

1. franjan
2. d3monic
3. sgt john
4. endur0xx
5. alex281
6. campo cultivator
7. randybadandy
8. chronickool
9. growbrooklyn
10. greenghost420
11. jubiare
12. psychonaughtical
13. the dawg

Glad to see you guys having fun with it. I'm a tad bit jealous, ok I'm super jealous that I don't have a cup to call my own. Maybe I should bust out some pics from last time to show you guys how it's done...ha, just kidding, great job so far everyone! I'll just have to enjoy the show. Let's see some pics / hear some details of how things are going so far. I'm interested to know what everyone is experiencing, I'm sure there's all kinds of stuff to learn/talk about. Guess that's all for now, looking forward to the updates.
So far I'm experiencing a dried out paper towel with my bag seeds :\.

Live and learn, let's hope they keep going and my buddha's come out on top.
Heres A Couple Of Pics.I Was Wanting To Take More Pics But I Couldnt Find My Camera When I Put My Seed In My Paper Towel :eyesmoke:

germ 002 (533x800).jpggerm 001 (800x533).jpg

Well hey there little buddies! Welcome to the world.

*edit* These are the two Buddha's Sisters. 24 hours and pokin their root out like horny turtles.

I'm going to kill you and smoke you eventually.
Too bad I missed out on this extended grace period, lol.

I'm putting my money on Frans MNS Critical Mass. He's going to outweigh the competition :eyesmoke:!
^^^Thanks for the vote of confidence that I won't kill the little sucker but if we're gonna gamble then I'll put my money on Endur0xX. He's an experienced 12/12 grower growing his own strain if memory serves me correct. Plus End's got the big panels and knows how to use them! I'll be happy to finish with something I can be proud of.
I realize I've totally missed the boat, but this little guy popped on Friday:

I've been without internet service for a few weeks and just got it back on. If you can find it in your hearts, I'd love to participate. No worries though! If not, I understand. Rules are rules. Worst case, I'll be growing alongside in silence and watching all of your progress. Let me know yay or nay!
I realize I've totally missed the boat, but this little guy popped on Friday:
View attachment 2473345

I've been without internet service for a few weeks and just got it back on. If you can find it in your hearts, I'd love to participate. No worries though! If not, I understand. Rules are rules. Worst case, I'll be growing alongside in silence and watching all of your progress. Let me know yay or nay!

Ah Hell Brother I Belive Brother Puff Extended The DeadLine To The 10th.So Dont Grow In Silence Talk Chit And Be Proud :bigjoint:
Welcome Smokes&smokes. Get that thing in a party cup and let me know if you have any questions. Unknown9, get 'em in a cup by tomorrow tonight and you're ok.

1. franjan
2. d3monic
3. sgt john
4. endur0xx
5. alex281
6. campo cultivator
7. randybadandy
8. chronickool
9. growbrooklyn
10. greenghost420
11. jubiare
12. psychonaughtical
13. the dawg
14. Smokes&smokes

Thanks psycho for making me laugh and start coughing over the horny turtle comment. Had me cracking up for some reason.
Update number 2:

So they are just starting to get their funk on, should see some good growth over the coming week. :)

Special Queen #1

Big bang (already starting to get frost) (almost ready.. :-P )

Turned on the 'Lighthouse' yesterday.

They got their 1st watering with molasses aswell. 1st nutrients next week.