2nd LED Party Cup Competition Official Update Thread


Well-Known Member
Finally popped my little sprout in some soil yesterday, so this is officially my second update. Out of the 2 seeds I germinated, one shot out in a little over 2 days, the other one is still slowly stretching, eventually when it has a leg to stand on I will put it in soil and place it in my veg tent. My setup for my party cup consists of remnant of a carpet I had installed a while back, eventually I will widen the hole in the middle of the roll and secure the cup in that, this will help a great deal with height at the moment considering my lights are too high for the plants, plus I don't really have any other room to stick anything wider, the carpet will also make sure the plant won't tip over when it becomes top heavy. I hope everyone had a great new year, and I will talk to you all soon. HAPPY GROWING!!



Well-Known Member
Hey Chronikool, is it wise to leave the light coming through the bottom of your pot?
Probably not.... :-P I ran out of black paint... :-P

Ok...everyone is snug in their new home 2 x 'special queen' #1 and 1 x 'big bang' and 12/12 in effect
lighthouse is out for now

Soil is made up of my home grown worm castings, organic potting mix, 'rok solid' and 'ocean solid' - ORGANIC ALL THE WAY! :)


Well-Known Member
Alright everyone, there's only 2 DAYS LEFT to get your seeds germing. If you don't have your first update posted by the 5th, I'm going to have to drop you from the competition to be fair to everyone else. We had 20 something contestants sign up and I've only seen a handful of updates so far...and a few saying they have to drop out. Where's everyone else at???


Well-Known Member
Been waiting for a bean delivery since 14th dec

Popped a bubba 76 as back up on 29th dec, like beefbisquit, its a dud :cry:


Well-Known Member
lol the less competition the better die beans die
only kidding
WOW! Campo, you make me laugh with comments like this, you remind me a lot of myself! Ha Ha Ha, love the dry sense of humor... Burn baby burn, oops, I meant grow baby grow! :fire:

Well, another update for me but without picture at the moment..... My beaner has popped through soil today! Go CRITICAL go!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Its looking like I have to drop also BC I don't have my box in my house yet. But its no big deal don't fret for me BC I'm still going to start my Krakatoa grow soon. Good luck everybody and I'll still be following :)


Well-Known Member
i keep forgetting to grab some cups at the store,and when i remember im too lazy at that point! but im going to get shit popping by tonight, for sure! on my way to the store right now...


Well-Known Member
Hey Puff, do you have a total head count for people who have made the competition so far, or official updates?

I will have a pic of my sprout soon, that almost sounded dirty. Today it has spread open enough to see its first baby leaves, I think shes a keeper. Cup is placed about 2.5 feet under one of my Solar Storm 400w and seems to be a good height for the moment, first feeding will come in another week or so and will be a half dose, or maybe I will just use a tiny bit of Roots Excellurator, and then feed a full dose the following week, the Happy Frog soil has plenty for the plant to live off of for a little bit.


Well-Known Member
ok didnt forget my cups this time! got blue widow, bubba76, and blueberry gum in paper towel,going into 100% coco(i think) by tonight. be back with official update tonight with pics...


Well-Known Member
I have wanted to post this for a few days, but I've never posted pictures and had some trouble finding a proxy sever that would work. Anyway, here is my first update...

I decided to grow a single feminized Super Lemon Haze (Greenhouse). I plan to use a starter kit of CNS-17 that I've been wanting to try out. I'm using a standard 16 oz party cup, of course. I poked holes in the bottom and put in a handful pebbles in to give it some weight. Filled with coco, perlite, and worm castings.

The day after Christmas I started the seed in a Rapid Rooter cube. I followed my usual method and put the cube in clear plastic shoe box in my clone/mom tent. It is lit by a 50W florescent light. When the seed sprouted on 12-30, I buried the cube in the party cup and left it under the light for a day so that it could get its land legs ;-)

The next day (12-31), I moved my New Year's Baby to my 3x3 flower tent. The tent is lit by two 200W SolarStorm (California Light Works) LED lights.

BTW, the clones in the shoe box are Tahoe OG. The lil' mama plant is Purple Wreck.



Well-Known Member
Update #4
Well we seem to have a little more action going on here as #1 has grown balls and been castrated and discarded as of 1/2/2013. Fuckin shame cause it was a nice plant :(. And it seems that number 2 has decided to choose the femme life and is now my official plant for this little competition. Number 4 is just too small and growing too slow so we're just gonna eliminate it from the running. Still I may keep it in the show if it's a female and run it as a demo plant. And I'll be keeping my chosen plant's info in my sig but here's a quick recap of my situation:
Planted 4 Critical Mass seeds on 12/07/2012
#1 Sprouted 12/10/2012- Eliminated 1/2/2013 (Male)
#2 Sprouted 12/11/2012- Chosen 1/3/2013 (Female!)
#3 Sprouted 12/11/2012- Died 12/12 (RIP)
#4 Sprouted 12/13/12- Deactivated 1/3/2013 (Manager's Decision)
So I'm in the show after going with reg seeds and because of that I've stayed away from any kind of LSTing to avoid stress early which will supposedly produce males. Still haven't decided what I'm doing there, but with what I've been feeding this little sucker, I think I may have to. I'm not ready to tell y'all my little secrets yet but let's just say if this sucker doesn't hermie it will be a miracle :). And if what I'm doing actually works it should be real fun. So let's see where my entrant, (sorry I don't name what I'm gonna kill like all you sick fucks out there do. LOL), is doing right now. You can't see the pistils but they're shriveling up as the plant is mutated into my little Frankenstein! Mwwahahahahahahahah!

#'s 2 + 4Our winner Plant #2. Sorry bout the CalCarb stains, I forgot I was having company!

Like my reflectors? Custom made for me by Ghetto Gro products. Their CTO, Everest Douchebag the 5th says, "This is a great leap forward in cup technology for the professional cupper. Shit like this was not available last week to cuppers and the technology is takin' leaps forward as we find mo' better materials lyin' around the floor" Wait till ya see the Mark 2! That's all I'm saying.

Okay so that's my update. Hope to see more people in the competition by the 5th. And I think we should add a new rule to this and future cup competitions. If you can manage to get the Solo cup company to officially sponsor your entrant, you automatically win! :)


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: She got legs, and she knows how to use them, sheer energy legs, and she knows how to choose them. Everything is looking good, looking like first set of real leaves will be popping out real soon. I need a height adjustable carpet remnant for this because I think she is sitting a little too close to the tanning machine. Well, on the other hand, she has her throne and hopefully will receive her crown as well in a couple of months..... :-)



Well-Known Member
I'm going to withdraw from the comp fellas.

Just wanna keep my plant count down, and have some seeds coming and shit - so I wanna start those instead! Best of luck, I'll see you fuckers next time! :D

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
so what do we have left? I have four fems poking their heads out of the perlite is the comp still on as if not I wanna put them on a veg cycle


Well-Known Member
UPDATE: She got legs, and she knows how to use them, sheer energy legs, and she knows how to choose them. Everything is looking good, looking like first set of real leaves will be popping out real soon. I need a height adjustable carpet remnant for this because I think she is sitting a little too close to the tanning machine. Well, on the other hand, she has her throne and hopefully will receive her crown as well in a couple of months..... :-)

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So you are growing with Royal Queen Seeds aswell. I've never seen anyone grow with them. Should be interesting. :)

so what do we have left? I have four fems poking their heads out of the perlite is the comp still on as if not I wanna put them on a veg cycle
Oh you arent getting out of it that easy Campo! :-P....I dont think we have the said 25 players left though....