I really hope you don't get fucked around by them but it seems inevitable that you will eventually be unhappy with them.There slow on the e-mails but seem like the taking care of you for that. I like EDiT an don't really care if people don't use them it just leaves more gear for those who do.
Or just cancel it and order those autos from jim at dope-seeds.com. You will have em in a week from order. Or in my case it has made it here in 7 business days, 9 days total.well now my seeds are not in till wednesdayi was told last thursday theyd be in.. still odd how my order is out of stock yet it says in stock STILL. EDIT hasnt updated anything but a Visual overhaul.
I emailed them about switching my Mi5 for Himalayan Blue Diesel If they are in stock. lets see what they say