2nd outdoor grow.


Active Member
i look at that little baby errday, its still in veg, i dont see and sacs, thank god, but then again i dont see and pistils. it just keeps growing wide and tall


Well-Known Member
Only 5 weeks and that tall, holy shit. That thing is going to be a MONSTER, that thing better be a female, you could easily pull off some O'z.


Active Member
yeah but want to keep it there cause if it goes over the fence, thats not goin to be cool. remember, its secret


Active Member
reaching the top of the fence. I would say give her a severe topping (about half way down) while it's still in veg. Use the removed top half to start a clone and stick it in a bucket next to it


Active Member
It doesn't look like it's showing sex yet which mean it will be at least 2-3 times taller than it is now with no topping/LST upon finishing. Perhaps a combination of both? The stalk looks quite thick so you'd need to be very careful with the lst I'd say. What's your latitude? Are your days getting shorter?


Heshyyy.... that Sativa look strangely familiar to the Green Crack genetics that I fucks with! just my $0.02


Active Member
dude this is just some bag seed its growing crazy, how should i top it so i dont stress it. my days are getting shorter by like 3 minutes each day i live in palm beach fl


Well-Known Member
i got a plant about 2.5 feet tall and its what almost 10 days till august and thats not good were i am cause frost comes in mid september.............. so ya i know how it feels not showing sex. and as for your height problem. just start slowly leaning the bucket on its side. using rocks to prop is up and stakes to hold the plant up and it will start growing vertical from there and really getting a good yeild. but as for watering when its like that id say you will have to cut the bucket. or transplant it into the ground if your have any there and put the plant in as a 30 degree angle and then tie that side down . this way you dont have to worry about breaking the stem with lst and the height will be resudes alot and casue of the angle those lower branches will get more light making alot more tops