2nd round purple urple / space queen comments please


This is my second grow ever. Wondering what you think. I'll make a post with my first grow pics to compare and tell me if you think im getting better. got stuck for 6 months after first grow. teach dissappeared and left me in dark on how to clone. kept trying to use a gro clone. they all kept dieing. thank god for the one lonely clone that rooted before i flowered my first batch cause it took 6 months to trash the gro clone and use a simple humidity dome and organic cubes. literally 99.9 percent success ever since. now im learning to to at the right height and time and it's making insane bushes with like 9 to 10 main stalks with buds from the bottom to the top 3 foot to 4 foot tall and they were barely 2 foot before flipping to flower and they're on week 4 now. that's my 3rd round im talking about.



ty ill snap couple pics of these buds trimmed up a little. and some of the 3rd grow that's got 3 to 4 weeks left.


bump, cmon guys, and gals, is this a++ work or is it a b or a c-. a 10 outta 10 or a 7 outta 10. tia for your opinions and rulings.


thanks. couldn't give an accurate answer on how long, i'd say most were 30 inches. the third round is close to 40 inches in the 4th week of flower. and they got buds as big already as the second rounds but they are from top to bottom colas it looks like. 35 inches of bud with average 7 colas per with 26 plants. should be insane turnout.