2nd time ever growing looking for some tips


Active Member
So im at the point where im starting to flower i got one plant on 18-6 hour light with 10-15-10 for food water once a day. just wondering if anyone can give me anything that would help the grow process


Just to reduce the light cycle either slowly or abruptly depending on the plants age and over all height. Begin to switch your nutrients to a mix higher in P lower in N. Keep your humidity up and possibly keep a cooler temperature at night and day by 5 degrees.

All those things should naturally encourage flower development.


Well-Known Member
watering/feeding once a day is probably too often
how often depends a lot on pot size/temp, but a heavier drenching less frequently is usually better


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't feed the plant once a day only feed when she needs water , sorry if she's thirsty every day then yes, also you want lower humidity levels during flowering, high levels gives you a higher chance of bud rot/mold


Active Member
thanks im gonna put up pictures withing a few days to give you guys a better idea about what were looking at


And if possible you never want less than 60 percent humidity unless your growing afghan or other arid varieties like it such as certain Kush plants. Then you want less than 30 percent humidity.

But as another stated not too high anything over 75 percent once the flowering bracts begin to truely form calyx clusters and yes you will run the risk of ruining everything with out extremely well ventilated circulated environment


Well-Known Member
seem to be doing fair, but leaf color is a touch off, not clear what it's from
what strain do you have?


Well-Known Member
strain is the 'variety' of weed
guessing you got your seed from bag seed or friend, nothing wrong with bag seed, many good grows here from bag seed
but it makes it a little tougher to know how the plant is doing, each bag seed grow is 'unique'


Active Member
your plants dont really look ready to flower imo, how old are they? Depends on what you want to achieve tho. if your looking to maximise your yeild id be thinking longer veg and more light, 400w hps?

Your plants look like they are suffering some sort of deficiency (pale yellow leaves and red stems) and they also have a little nute burn so that would suggest you have over nuted and not flushed so you may have altered the PH of the soil leaving the plant unable to take up food.

I also notice you have curled leaves, i had this problem when i didnt let my pots dry out, my plants never had the chance to take up o2 and just sat in a soup of soil, nutes & salts, once i realized what i was doing i flushed em out, then let them dry before i watered again.

Dont think i being critical by pointing these problems out, you seemed to have made a decent start to growing but you have quite alot you could improve on in a very short ammount of time, say 2-3 weeks you could have the plant in much better shape when you do flower.

If you put that plant to flower now it will just eat up all the nutes in the foliage and all you hard work will go to waste.


Active Member
yea thats exactly what i did got it from a bag and just planted it not sure what type at all how do you think their doing tho i just starterd o flower 3 days ago


Active Member
just not really sure what to do at this point by flush do you mean i should stop watering them until the soild is dry or what i also heard putting orange peals in the soil is good for nutes


Well-Known Member
flushing is watering so as to clear the soil of too much fert or other junk
many do 2-3 times the volume of the pot to throughly flush the soil
i'm not sure sure you need to flush that heavy, see what others may say


Active Member
just put them in a bath and give them a long water, then let them dry before watering again, get a ph kit, test the origonal run off and the water you are putting in, then flush until the ph of the run off is the same (or near) the water going in, that way you know you have completely cleared the soil.