2nd time grower. Am i doing LST right? Should I not have done it? and other questions


Active Member

So this is my second grow and during my first grow I came here and got a lot of excellent answers to a bunch of questions i had about creating my set up and then the issues i was having. the issue ended up being i didn't have proper drainage. Always make sure you put your drainage holes on the VERY BOTTOM of your starting containers. not the sides of the bottom. lol

Anyways I'm doing my second grow and it is going much more smoothly(other than the fact they pretty much died when i went on vacation) but thats another story and I've brought them back 100 percent to life and they are doing well.

I wanted to learn about different cropping techniques so i decided to try LST today.

This is a set of pictures of one plant before i did them:
20181216_043405.jpg 20181216_043356.jpg

This is a set of the same plant after I did LST:
20181216_045220.jpg 20181216_045227.jpg

So. I guess my 2 main questions as far as these 2 sets of pictures are concerned are

1. Did I do the LST properly?
2. Should i even have done LST?

It seemed like there were quite and a few tops on this plant and it was pretty bushy. Could it have benefited more from some defoliation on the bottom instead? Either way I did it because I wanted to experiment and get practice doing it as a new grower.

My next topic of questions needs some backround info..

My tent has 4 plants. 2 of them look i identical to the above photos. and 2 of them look identical to this next set of before and after pictures of me running LST

20181216_040925.jpg 20181216_040919.jpg

20181216_042746.jpg 20181216_042719.jpg

So while my first 2 questions still apply to these 2 sets of photos, I also have another question.

1. Why are these plants taller and less bushy than the other 2?

-both sets are in the same 5x5 tent
-They are both under the same light which is a custom 12x4 foot LED strip build I made.
-The lux reading is the same from same height on both sides
-exact same food and feeding schedule
-Exact same strain from the very same pack (Northern Lights)

Possible differences:
-i have 2 mini, non oscillating fans. I noticed today while i was doing LST that the one on the left front (other is right side middle) has stopped working. Can a lack of airflow on that side create such a massive difference?
-I may have defoliated the ones on the right (the shorter, bushier ones) more? Its hard to know as I obviously didn't record the exact amount i did, but i feel like it couldn't of been that big of a difference.
-The air intake is on the left side of the tent. Although, I use flex from the intake into around the middle left of the tent so i dont think it is this.

In summation, the only big difference i can tell is more airflow on the right. The fan isn't that big though and I would be amazed if the difference in air flow could make such a massive difference.

Finally I'd like to know anyones thoughts on whether the taller less bushy plants should of should not have been LSTd. In my uneducated opinion I think these ones needed it much more than the bushy ones because:

a) they had less tops because of their predominantly vertical growth
b)making sure they don't get too far ahead of the other 2 in terms of height so I don't get problems with my fixture height in the future.
c)in order the widen them up to make more efficient use of my tent.

That sums about everything up for my questions.

My opinion on this after my experience doing this is that:
A) In terms of whether or not I should of done LST on these plants, I should of done them on the tall, less bushy ones, but not others, so as to even out their heights and hopefully create an equal amount of tops.

B)In terms of the crazy difference in the way the plants grew from the left to right side of my tent. Its must be the airflow. I cannot honestly think that anything factor could have made that big of a difference and like i said the light is same height and giving me the same lux readings on both sides.

Thank you in advance to anyone that chimes in as I understand this is a long post and I probably won't get many people answering but i wanted to put as much detail I could in order to get detailed answers and opinions and learn some new stuff :)

Again. Thank you thank you thank you.
They are just different pheno's. From seed its a crapshoot.

I have 2 going right now that are the same as yours. One bushy and the other is more lanky, both are same strain from same pack.
My short plant i have on some blocks to get to the same height as the other, the tall one i keep tying down.
Personally I bend them as far as they can go. As Boatguy said...Seeds are a crap shoot. I bend, twist, crop them all.


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i am very new to all of this as well, from what i can see, the training you did looks fine, im honestly not sure it can be screwed up, other than breaking stems etc....your opening up the plant to allow light to future bud sites and help flatten the canopy which in turn helps the light hit bigger area, not much harm in that, i don't think.

would like to hear a more experienced members opinion on whether lollipopping/defoliation of the bottoms may have been better option

same thing applies to whether you should have done LST or not, i dont think training will ever hurt your yields or your bud quality, unless you damage the plant and really set it back , only con i see is extending veg time maybe? like i said, i am very new, any knowledge i have is from reading this site like a madman and watching youtube vids lol

As for different growth for different plants, i think different phenos and just genetics in general can create big differences in growth/looks of certain strains

good luck growing