2nd try small grow


Active Member
well got my last plant to bud and all but it was set up to fail from the start. this time im starting them and its doing much better... sofar 4-5 weeks in from seed



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't recommend more than 1 plant in a single pot, the roots will fight for room and it will not be pretty


Active Member
I wouldn't recommend more than 1 plant in a single pot, the roots will fight for room and it will not be pretty
im not worried about roots killing each other i have a bigger 5gallon container they are going to when strong enough.. last plant the guy who started it was a retard and had 2.5 inches of soil then the rest was rocks and i was able to make some smokable buds outta it though it was a handfull... right now i have 2 lights on it as i work on getting things how i want them. light has been on for 24/7 about to switch in a day or 2 as well as add more lights. i have another plant in a seperate potwith less light that i plan on putting next to a golf course runoff hiddin away... take that yuppie pricks


Active Member
well its been a couple weeks and its lookin a bit nicer.. still havnt switched to flowering stage but its starting to show signs of females