As far as sex is concerned, your plants will generally start to show sexual charicteristics after about a week-10 days of starting a 12-12 light shedual. PPL who refer to a plant showing sex after a while on veg mean after a few months in veg, not a few extra days or anyhting. The only sure way to determine sex is either to flower your plant or clone a shoot of the plant and flower it right away, with the sole intention being to determine the sex of the "mother". And remember, it takes a while druring flower for these plants to how sex even when they start flowering, its best to be patient and make sure what you think are a pair of balls isnt really just a premature pistil or whatever they are called.
I would really suggest that you consider getting either a t5 flouro or a HPS if you plan to flower indoors, its really important to have light intensity when flowering if you want to get a sweet end product. You were talking about getting lowrider seeds, which are like 100 bucks. I would suggest instead that you first get a bargain 400 watt hps from HTG, they have cheap ones from 95 bucks or something. Good lighting shouldnt intimidate you, its the single most worthwhile investment in an indoor growing enviroment. You will not belive how much difference you will see in their growth when you put them under intense lighting.