2nd week flowering, left room light on for 3.5 hrs


Well-Known Member
hi, in on my second week of 12/12, waited till lights off tonight, so i could take a couple of pics of my plants as i wanted to ask a question about the tips of leaves pointing down, got called away in the meantime and forgot to turn the house light off, both my hps were off its a 40 watt bulb, have i blown it all now? do i need to extend the lights off period now, normally they would come on at 8 in the morning should i change it till 11.30?? or should i let them come on as normall?? im panicking like mad as this is my first effort and though im sure ive done loads wrong ive mannaged to keep them alive so far and apart from this pointing leaves thing they seem ok has any one any suggestions please, i dont think im gonna be sleeping tonight!!!
thanks guys



Well-Known Member
been reading up and i think if i let them have 12 hrs dark period then cut short the light period to get them back to there normal routine, from what i can gather its better to have the shorter light period then shorter dark period, does this ring true???? i really am worried!!!


Honestly, you're probably going to be fine. I'd keep them on the same schedule as they were before this and see if you notice any changes, but i dont think you should have too much too worry about


Well-Known Member
Stop worrying, the few hours of extra light will have no adverse effects, as long as you don't make a habit of it. Stick to your normal schedule and everything will be fine. If you start trying to compensate because of one very minor mishap, then you'll have to re-compensate for the extra dark time, then more light, and so on and so on. Keep your normal 12/12 and everything will be okay.


Well-Known Member
hi, cheers for the reasurance i suppose theres no defo answers to stuff like this, it all comes down to experience etc, its my first grow and i spend half my time thinking ive got it all under control and then BANG i realise i know nothing!!!!