2nd year (PICS!)


Well-Known Member
nice collie....how old and the third pic those are gonna get kinda crowded so youll prob strt having to bend em and lst em if possible if theyre gonna be left there....


Well-Known Member
Its Foily :) and how old? about a month. Last year I harvested 1 and 1/2 pounds. Its lasted until now. I hope out of my 13 plants I have 3 females. and yes they are alittle crowded but still alright. :)


Active Member
yea when they get bigger start to tie them down apart from each other. this will still work really well. or transplant two out of those last three b/c they will compete for space, nutes, etc.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys new update. My plants almost totally got eaten by those spider mites and they all almost died. Since then I sprayed them with that oil (i forgot whats its called) and have given them ferts and this is what they look like. They should be twice the size but im glad they made it out alive. I have 3 females and about 15 plants that havent shown their sex. I have also pulled 3 males. Enjoy!



Well-Known Member
I have a question for you longtime growers. I fould my first female on july 2nd which is really early for around here. I checked my pics from last year and noticed I didn't have any females untlill aug 8th or so. Does this mean it will be done faster then the others or will it just get bigger buds because it started flowering early? Thanks btw the plant im talking about is the first, second, and 4th pictures from my last post