2Weeks in. [Daily Updates][PICS] First Grow


New Member
Do you have an idea of at least how they might of suspected you?

i.e. told friends, going back and forth to hydroponic store? Just curious, i am trying to watch my trail closely, although I live in the ghetto and they are more worried about other things so I have a few things going for me. Lol....

Sorry to hear that bro... dont quit smoking though... unless you really want to... No need to have pigs control your life. By quitting because of them it is letting them control you. May I ask what state you reside in?


Well-Known Member
ohh and i found out whyyy they wernt growing as FAST. i had them Very close to the light..and was watering once every two days...lol
basicly everytime i left my house. some1 in my family would shut off my light. So thats why. i just found out today.
You mean your mom shut off the light! Don't grow in your parents house, dumbass!!


Active Member
lol my parents were down with me growing they smoke to. ima keep smoking just not as much as i used 2....i used 2 take L Rides all day buttt nowww im just gonna chill...and i think honestly a grow journal kinda made me bug out...thats one way of being hot..plus just grow houses around here being watched and people who sell and stuff...but other than that...yeah the hydro store i went about 3times a week but i always kept eye out for some1 following me..but nah i'll grow again just not right now. ima let things cool down and im going to get some lowryders going and Noo i didnt buy seeds b4.

PPP Pure Pothead Person

Well-Known Member
u sure u aint just noided man lol, mind u the pigs aint as fuckin crazy as they are over in the states man, they just got sticks and pepper spray here and doubt they would tail us for plants here lol