2wweks into Flower and ROT??


Information on grow:
Grape Ape, closet grow (sterilized with bleach before setup)
Indoor 400w HPS + a few blue CFLs (12/12)
5 gal. Root pot, (Fiber pot)
Fox Farm OF soil + 2tbs Dolomite per gallon,
Tap water (Sitting out for 24hrs) ever other day or every 3 depending on need/amount watered
No nutes yet (just transplanted), will be using Dr. Earth Bud & Bloom booster tea & kelp extract/liquid solution (Dr. Earth)
Oscillating fan + 6" pushing heat from light out of closet.
Temps: 84F on/68F off Humidity: 20% constantly
pH: Water: 7 Runoff: 6 - 6.5 Litmus (General Hydro kit)

I am 2 weeks into flowering and I think my buds are already rotting. The only thing I can think of is I just clipped some of my outdoor grow that had mold from caterpillar shit. I clipped it in another room on the far end of the house.

This plant is in the closet, and panda paper door stays shut unless I need to do maintenance. I didn't think spores from the bud I clipped could get all the way to my grow room. Besides that, It isn't stressed and environment should prevent any mold growth.

Nevertheless I think I am falling to Bud Rot in week 2 of flower.. WTF??

Unless this discoloration is the strain turning purple like it should. I am not sure because the buds do not smell fruity like they should. I tore off one with yellowish pistils (not good), and ripped it up, inside the calyxes were spotting reddish orange/purple. So were some of the flower leaves. Some of the calyxes are purple though.

I'm not sure what to do. I set up this plant indoor because my last grow fell to rot from the dam caterpillars outside. I though bringing the grow indoor would solve the issue and assure supreme buds like my very first grow...

Is there anything that will stop or cure bud rot?? Should I destroy this plant and clean everything/start again. FML Midterms are coming I don't have time for this shit...



Well-Known Member
Hey dear friend...
Now I have same problem as yours ...I have about 18 plants and 9 plants like yours....
Small leafs are curling down but the big one is right I comfused about them so and my ph is around 5.80-6.00 ...
I follow your thread so...
Wish u the best


Dam that blows man. Sorry to hear about that. I am stressing and it's only one plant. I have others in veg that I want to trigger but I have to wait now.

Do you know if spraying a fungicide or adding sulpher to the soil will stop this?? I hear baking soda cures powdery mildew, but if this is bud rot, it's in the plant material, not a topical fungus. If I see anything get worse, this plant will become compost and that breaks my heart because Grape ape is my favorite strain. On top of that, this is the first time I've grown a completely healthy stress free plant. It was perfect, up until this point.


Well-Known Member
Hey my friend
Dont worry ...I told to some of my friends thats really doctor in this way...
We should waite for a day for reply them...
So I will put their reply ASAP..
Best wishes


Well-Known Member
Hmm....that's odd to have bud rot, with the humidity that low, and temps in that range, especially during early flowering. It would be a good idea to add another oscillating fan(even a small one), running 24/7, sweeping back and forth across the upper half of your plants. I never had to battle the stuff, myself, so all I can suggest, is upping the airflow, and trimming off the infected sections. You may be able to get it under control, til harvest time.

I'm still not totally convinced that it's bud mold, but better safe than sorrry, right?

Also,...there's thousands of spores in the air, all the time. I really doubt that bud you brought inside, was the cause. Keep the air flowing, and don't give those spores time to settle in and take hold. You're humidity is plenty in the safe zone, for sure.


New Member
If your temps are a high of 84 and low of 68 your giving powdery mildew a perfect place to thrive...... So keep the temps more consistent, and make sure your circulation/ventilation are good too. Doesn't look like rot to me though, looks like a drop of water was there and the lights were on???


I added another oscillating fan. The color is turning more purple on the calyxes and fruity purple smell of grape ape is finally popping up. What still concerns me though is the reddish tone on the inside of the smallest leaves in the buds. Also the yellowing pistils.

But I did spray it with Azamax about 2 weeks ago so I guess it could be damage from that, but it should have showed up the next day not weeks later. I guess only time will tell

I can't really take out the ones showing these signs, because EVERY bud is like this. All I can do is compost the whole plant, Unless there's some other way to get rid of the disease. Maybe If I chop all the flowers off and re-Veg it, then trigger it in another spot with better temps and these two oscillating fans.

I'm praying this is just normal coloring or a deficiency of some type. Powdery Mildew isn't something I worry about. It's easy to deal with and I've never had that problem.
Bud rot is devastating and you cant just spray it away or kill it with a high pH like PM.


I think they are doing OK. There is some pistil dye-back(turning yellow) on some buds but that may be from excessive heat + Azamax drench stress. I will edit this post later when I take a pic outside of the HID lights


Well-Known Member
I think they are doing OK. There is some pistil dye-back(turning yellow) on some buds but that may be from excessive heat + Azamax drench stress. I will edit this post later when I take a pic outside of the HID lights
I think your temperatures and humidity are right, I don't think it is bud rot.

I run mine just like that, it must be something else as you indicated.


Good Growing :joint::peace: