2x1000w - 9 plants in dwc -lucas formula - medical grow - Pics


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So my spare bedroom just became available last week, so I decided to make the most of it. I am tired of going to the overpriced dispensary, or getting it from growers who cant grow the stuff as well as I can. Got many years of experience, just got lazy, life is busy and blah blah eventually got tired and stopped. But its time to get it started again.

I am going to have 2x1000w hps on 9 flowering plants in deep water culture system. I'll be using the old lucas formulaI'll harvest 4/5 per month. I'm using pretty much a 10x12 to12x12 L shaped room with a closet. Yes I know a lot of you are gonna say only 9 plants? I like the extra room and it really lets you focus on the plants health rather than a sea of plants. I've always had better results when the plants were 100% healthy through their whole lives rather than packing them in there.

So I have gathered most the equipment. Got a deals between 2 local co-ops. Then everything else from home depot, the hydro shop, or stuff I already had from the past i hadnt sold.

1000w ballast hps/mh 120/240
6in cool tube mounted in reflector
2x24in t-5 fluorescent
HO fan
8inx24 carbon filter
GH nutrients
1/2in lines, valves, fittings
6in. insulated ducting
duct fan
3 fans for circulation, box/wallmount
4 air pumps
buckets & trash can
2x4's & sheet of plywood.

Thats everything I've got so far, think its most everything I'll need. time to post some pics of the setup phase.


Active Member

Somone had 4 NYC Diesel that were about a foot tall and had nice healthy roots, so I snagged em up and went ahead and threw em in while I am still in construction. Something I hate doing, but oh well, I liked the look of these gets me alittle ahead of the clones I usually get to start with. So I have a month to get everything done so these babys are ready for flower.


Active Member
I've now got the air in done, HO fan has been sealed and insulated in a box as well as attached to a controller, carbon filter is setup. Insulated ducting is mostly up. Room has crap everywhere so I need to go clean it up before some pics. I've still got a lot of work left. Got a 1000w mh to throw in to veg these 4 till flower. In the future the veg room will be in the closet under a bunch of t-5 fluorescet lights, but I wanna get these babys sucking up their nutrients so I got the mh just to speed up the process. I'll go clean the room now so I can get more pics up.


Active Member
Welcome to rollitup!

That NY sour diesel is some good smoke for sure.

You might want to spray paint those buckets. I have the same ones and I had too, too much light getting in. Even with permaflek wrapped around them I was getting light in mine. (just a heads up.) Walmart has some spray paint that's good for plastic and it wont break the bank.

Those Diesels are going to explode in a months time. Your going to have some trees growing in that there room !



Active Member
I was planning on it. The mh isnt on, there is a t5 hanging from it. I wasnt worried about the output from a fluorescent. You can bet the buckets will be black by the time the mh is on.


Active Member
Cool !! (I figured you probably knew that, but just thought I'd mention it just encase)

The room is looking great though man !!

I'm sure your going to like that NY Sour Diesel. I've run it the last couple grows. It's so sticky and the taste is to die for. A definite keeper in my book.

I'll have to check back in and see how it goes.
I have some running now, 29 days into flower. (link in my signature if you want to see)



Active Member
finally an update on the room. I hurt my hand, might of knicked the tenden, so i've had to ask a friend to come help me finish the setup. This is why i hate having the plants before the room is ready. Something always comes up to prolonge things. Plants looking ok, not as great as I ciuld be doing. Got the fan and carbon filter moved, but finally in a place I like. Window is boarded off and has a 6in dryer style vent. got the closet started for the veg room. I decided 5 plants a month to keep 15 total to stay in legal limits of my state. Got another shelving unit in there. Installed a reverse osmosis filter installed in one of my bath room sinks. Most the buckets have been sprayed black. Also put a lot of plastic in. Just got a bunch of tubing for airlines to install pumps/lines/stones. Whole room should be setup this weekend I am hoping.


Active Member
Room is pretty much complete, just took 11 clones, need 5 for my next crop and passing 6 back to the medical community. And here is a pic of the plants a week after the last. A bit greener now, had to get out the old ph/ppm monitors and mess with them a bit before working. These plants seem to love 5.8-5.9. A little higher than the last strain I did in hydro. Lucas formula seems to be working great. For any of you who do not know what that is, it makes growing hydro simple. Works with most nutrients lines, you dont need the grow formula, just micro and bloom. For every ml per gallon of micro, use double the bloom. If it needs nitrogen, go a little heavy on the micro. Just monitor ppm keeping it at the desired rate and slowly increase using the 1:2 micro:bloom ratio. I've noticed using reverse osmosis water, after adding nutrients, the ph settles at about 5.3. Ph increases a tenth or 2 in 2-3days so its sitting just above six. A drop or two of ph up per gallon and just top off. Makes the whole process require less time. Now that the system is running good, its time to start focusing on the plants, making sure we always have opimal growth rates. I'll start using a better camera in the future that way I can show em off for you guys.IMG_20111223_081405.jpg


Well-Known Member
You obviously know what you are doing. That's a pretty impressive transformation of your grow room, well done! How long have you been growing?


Active Member
Thanks guys! Been farming for about 7-8 years now. Sometimes just a closet grow, and sometimes a giant area packed full that took more than one person for the work. Used a garage for a number of years and we remodeled that place 8-10 times, tried every different hydro style. I believe thats the best way to learn, try try and try again.


Active Member
Here are some pics of the ladies. They are all taller/wider the buckets they're in now. Root systems getting HUGE. I'll have to try and get a shot of them for you guys later tonight when I am completing the veg room.IMG_20111228_103015.jpgIMG_20111228_103038.jpgIMG_20111228_103137.jpgIMG_20111228_103203.jpgIMG_20111228_174258.jpg


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Switching to flower today, got the MH bulb swapped out. Finally got my 220v box and timer wired in so I might throw the other light on so I have 1000w per two plants. Roots looking good, they are shaping to the bucket now, here is a pic of em. IMG_20111231_111344.jpg


Active Member
Plants have flowered just over a week now. Did quite a bit of bending and tieing down to get as many tops as I could. Now I have like a 5x5 square for a canopy, lots of colas :)

Also had my 5 clones in a little dwc tub for a week. Roots are everywhere now. And I took a few more a couple days ago, prob ready in a few more.



Active Member
Update tomorrow!! Tomorrow is 2 weeks in, had small buds on the plants since day 9. Swapped to 3 600w digital ballasts. Packed all 3 hoods into the same space as the two 1000's, so hopefully beter penetration overall. I'll have some shots for ya.

Is this thread that boring? No questions or anything to discuss?


Active Member
Its looking awsome! Looking forward to your update. The pic of the red tub are you using that as a flood and drain or humidity dome?