2x2 tent + 250w = 4 oz.?

So yo quick questions:

I'm planning on

Indoor grow

2x2 x6(height) tent

4 plants

250w mh/hps cooled

With some fans and carbon scrubbers an shit.

Will I be able to pull off 4 oz. per grow with only a 2x2 and a 250w? Trying to get an ounce per plant, keep em short and to one square foot of tent space each. This firstharvest I'll be happy with 2oz (since I still fuck up my grows, 4th try) id just like to make sure my gear has the capacity for 4 oz per grow. Any thoughts or suggestions?


my very first grow was done under a 250watt in a 2x3 (not even fully used), i knew little about growing and pulled 3oz, the plant was topped in 2

with proper scrog management it would be easy to break that 4oz, personnaly i would go with only one plant but thats up to you
good lu
ck on your grow


Well-Known Member
Id go with one, maybe. Two, and LST, u will mos def get 4oz
Yeah I would focus on a couple plants if you've got a bad history with plants. My last grow Ipulled 71/2 oz from 2 plants that only vegged for 4 weeks. I used a 400w light in a bigger room so I see any reason why you couldn't get at least 1 11/2 oz per plant with 250w.


Well-Known Member
4 oz is doable, I just did it with about that wattage in the same space. Fill the space up with buds, whether by lst, scrog, topping etc. So there are no empty spaces for the light to just go thru to the floor.
Awesome you guys put a smile on my face knowing it can happen. So about the
1-2 plant suggestion, how long do you think that would take? That's a good idea, scrogging, but what I was originally thinking was single or double colas on smaller plants for a quick 3 month or so harvest.


1-2 plants SCROG


4 plants (SOG would b the term?)

Pros and cons folks?

The only pros of my original idea I can think of are shorter duration and not leaving all my eggs in one basket (just in case some die). A con I'm assuming would be a smaller harvest.

Thoughts much appreciated mahalo!


if you are growing multi strain using chemicals nutrients; one strain might love it and the others could have a defiiency
can also cause an uneven canopy

ching plant in the back to water can be a pain,

with more plants you water more often (i grow one plant per 20g pot (indoor of
course) and i water them every 3 to 4 weeks) as opposed to many plant you water every 1 or 2 days. i can go on vacation without a care in my mind. from start to finish its like 4 or 5 watering lol

with more plants you skip the veg (whih is about 4 to 5 weeks id say, lesss then that if its a sativa dominant strain/pheno), so you get more supply over time,

you also do less training ,whi
ch is less work around the plant itself (but more in the soil !)

edited, some stuff didnt made sense dues to puntuation