2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow


Active Member
heres my 0.2 Tao......with the time lapse test, i think it would be better to show the plant from around the 45 degree angle, having that bit of side view will help the viewer destinguish between moving and growing (both vertical and outward growth) atm it does look quite blury.....see what happens is that your timing intervals will be way out if you want to make a 1min video but only showing say 2wks or a months worth of growth, compared to a 1 min video of the whole grow....if you use your timing sequences as you are in the test then by the time you got the whole grow down you'll have 100000 pics and the vid will go for 7 mins. do you catch me??
Yeah that's basically why I dropped doing it the first time... a lot of practical issues. I don't have any way of doing a 45deg angle in my cabinet or tent. Either have to position the camera mostly above or fix up something like a tripod outside the door that I'm sure would get bumped or moved to often to be practical. And since the plant is about the size of a dime right now, it's mostly difficult to impossible for me to get a perfectly focused picture at the start and still account for any amount of vertical growth.

I can however alter or change the frame rate progression of the photos at any time, so as the number of pictures increases I can increase the frame rate. Or use less pictures and slow down the rate, etc... I was actually hoping to have about a 5 min long video of the clones breeding from start to finish - but I think I'll forget about compiling and posting in .gifs if no one is really interested. Just more work than I'm enjoying. I'll install a cheap USB camera in the tent in the near future so I can do it all from start to finish completely automated and without any hassle - can't think of a better way.



Active Member
I stumbled on this website and wanted to pass it on for anyone having any nutrient or pest issues:

[Insect and mite pests ] [ Diseases ] [ Nutrient disorders ] [ Nematodes ]

It uses sweet potatoes to demonstrate all the different issues you can run into but it's fairly comprehensive and has good pictures. For example, if you click on aluminum toxicity and then 'view full fact sheet' it goes into characteristics and occurrence, signs/symptoms, possible confusion w/ other issues, how to confirm a diagnosis and manage the problem...

Pretty cool.


Active Member
looking like MD and Athena have the basis set for a mass explosion of sugar coated buds....the pics of Athena really show all (most...prob more down the back lol) of her bud sites!


Well-Known Member
Damn bro, you are a doing a very nice job. You dont know what your in for when MD starts budding....Is she shooting lots of Pre-Flowers? Athena will soon pass up MD I am sure of it, if not she will be neck and neck for sure. Just from remembering what she did last grow. Great work MENTOR!!!!! You really know how to take advantage of space inside your tent.



Well-Known Member
Yeah that's basically why I dropped doing it the first time... a lot of practical issues. I don't have any way of doing a 45deg angle in my cabinet or tent. Either have to position the camera mostly above or fix up something like a tripod outside the door that I'm sure would get bumped or moved to often to be practical. And since the plant is about the size of a dime right now, it's mostly difficult to impossible for me to get a perfectly focused picture at the start and still account for any amount of vertical growth.

I can however alter or change the frame rate progression of the photos at any time, so as the number of pictures increases I can increase the frame rate. Or use less pictures and slow down the rate, etc... I was actually hoping to have about a 5 min long video of the clones breeding from start to finish - but I think I'll forget about compiling and posting in .gifs if no one is really interested. Just more work than I'm enjoying. I'll install a cheap USB camera in the tent in the near future so I can do it all from start to finish completely automated and without any hassle - can't think of a better way.

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Beautiful work and that is insane how much they open and grow....


Active Member
Thanks guys - I'm holding out hope that the MD I have will get those chunky/frosty buds that BKB got on OG MD. That would make me a happy panda.

Damn bro, you are a doing a very nice job. You dont know what your in for when MD starts budding....Is she shooting lots of Pre-Flowers? Athena will soon pass up MD I am sure of it, if not she will be neck and neck for sure. Just from remembering what she did last grow. Great work MENTOR!!!!! You really know how to take advantage of space inside your tent.
MD only just showed some pistils at the highest nodes - it'll take her a week or so to really get going I'm sure. But damn, the past couple of evenings when I opened the tent there's been several inches of growth and the tops are spreading out to the space out nicely - she's busting it out. I'm going to bump up her nutrients one more time and see how she does (thought I was at highest amount for this grow already).

I'm definitely going to be growing Athena under a screen from now on if the harvest is decent this way. She's so crazy stretchy and branchy in flower - that was insane last time! I think I'm over trying to grow hazes indoors without some control/training from the start.

Speaking of haze's - can anyone recommend a really super, super fruity strain? I'd like to have a go at growing Super Lemon Haze and want to find another haze-like strain to grow beside it.


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Well-Known Member
A buddy of mine actually had this problem with seeds he ordered from Attitude.. He told them and the sent him 5 more of the same seeds he had ordered (feminized again) and a bunch of freebie seeds for his inconvenience.. I have yet to order from anywhere but attitude..
Im going to call bullshit on this. And this "Buddy" of yours, what did he tell them was wrong with the beans he ordered from them?


Well-Known Member
No arguement started Tao, just trying to buffer bad info. I enjoy your journal and am running the same setup, but I use a 400w. Again I apologize if it seems im starting an argument, I just dont agree with people giving false info on here. Your grow looks awsome and green though and Im sure you will be happy with your results from all the hard work you have put into it.


Active Member
No arguement started Tao, just trying to buffer bad info. I enjoy your journal and am running the same setup, but I use a 400w. Again I apologize if it seems im starting an argument, I just dont agree with people giving false info on here. Your grow looks awsome and green though and Im sure you will be happy with your results from all the hard work you have put into it.
Thanks man and no apology necessary - just don't want anything to get out of hand between my RIU buddies! Do you have a journal going by the way? I'd love to check it out.


Well-Known Member
Nope..... im a paranoid war vet LOL. Im sketched out about putting pics online. But I def give you guys props for these journals..... if you guys didnt do these I would not be where I am in my growing abilities. I actually just made the switch to DWC and there is def a learning curve to get adjusted to, but the one plant I have in the bubble bucket has out grown the other 5 that are in dirt. Do you use RO water or just plain Ph'd tap water?


Active Member
It's crazy how fast they grow once they take off in DWC isn't it?? I was hoping to fit 4 small plants in the tent this time, don't know what I was thinking now... Minerva alone is taking up over half the tent space and still exploding. It's good I lost 2!

I'm using tap water (actually used about half tap and half rain water last time). I just can't make myself lug 10+ gallons of bottled water a week from the store routinely and I've never had any issues with chlorine. If I had the cash for an RO unit or distiller and enough to add-back the micros... I'd probably do that, but no rush.

Edit to add, thank you for your service to the country by the way.


Well-Known Member
Same here..... I use Tap and have had ZERO problems with it. What people dont understand I guess is that municipal water has Calcium and mag in it...... essential nutes to MJ. Why take them out lol!


Active Member
Same here..... I use Tap and have had ZERO problems with it. What people dont understand I guess is that municipal water has Calcium and mag in it...... essential nutes to MJ. Why take them out lol!
Yup yup - totally agree. Although I think there's too much calcium in the tap water here maybe (it comes from a sandstone aquifer), and that might be giving me some minor issues... or it could be slightly saline. Not sure, but it doesn't impact any of my plants grown in soil at all. It's only my DWC plants that sometimes show very minor deficiencies of some kind on the odd leaf or two... but I don't think it's enough to impact harvest weight negatively at all...

You know, now that I mention it. I remember growing some plants outdoors not 50' away from a salt-water lagoon and despite the salinity they did awesome - so I doubt it's a salinity issue.


Well-Known Member
If i could afford it I would buy an RO filter but its just too pricey when I can pull FREE water straight out of the tap. What nutes are you using? I just switched from GH flora series to Advanced Nutrients four part...... we shall see what the oucome is. AN is def cleaner looking and I had to purchase THEIR PH down. Fucking bottle of Ph down feels like it is filled with lead lol