2'x4' 600w DWC Tent - Spring 2011 Grow


Active Member
They open fast... I saw one had opened, went to get the camera and stuff, and within about 10 min. the second one had dropped all that pollen on another leaf. I just gave the plant a really little bump while holding an open zip-lock underneath some of the bracts and got more pollen than I needed, hopefully without getting much/any outside the cabinet. I'd bet all the girls in there were already pollinated during all that but went back today and made sure their virginity was good and truly gone forever.


Active Member
Athena is a cross of more than a few strains from when I grew outdoors. Skunk, Haze, Ice, some plants from nice bagseed that I liked, and a couple of others. She wasn't the result of a real breeding attempt as much as just me trying to keep free and decent seeds around. I'd like to get a little more serious about breeding now that I'm indoors though.


Well-Known Member
Damn bro I cant believe how damn big you grow plants......Bro she is going to yield you some serious bud my friend, just remember she is a long finisher, not a quick Flowering Strain, Billcollector was telling me that we need to try a good fast finishing plant and breed it with that. I have zero skills when it comes to breeding, I feel so far from that mountain of learning. Plants look amazing bro, Damn bro, what would you do with a couple 1000watters and a 10x10x20 room? Might have to move you in here!!! LOL




Active Member
Billcollector was telling me that we need to try a good fast finishing plant and breed it with that.
Well the SW male she was crossed with was super fast flowering (even for a male). Should be some faster flowering MD-like plants in these seeds that could be backcrossed with the MD clone I'm keeping. After about 6 backcrossings you'd end up with a Minerva that flowers faster. I was just thinking it would take me a couple of years to do that considering my space/plant limits though. lol

Hey when I get moved, I'm sure you'll see me around from time to time. I like traveling and haven't seen much of Cali outside of the airport.


Active Member
hey mate nice setup and nice grow.
Thanks for dropping in jzs, just got subbed to your grow. I'll have to catch up on it today.

I'm finding more and more little leaves with that funky extra leaf blade coming out the middle on Minerva (MD) - did you guys ever notice this on the ones you have?:


Active Member
This really sucks but I'm sitting here smoking a bowl and trying to relax but the realization is hitting home that I'm throwing way too much money towards the little tent for my current situation without getting anywhere near the results I want/need to make it worth it. Same could be said for all the money spent going back to school recently! I can keep this grow going on basic life-support until it's done at least and cut some losses there. But I'll probably have to wait until after this summer is over to use it or most of my gear again. This shitty economy can't last forever right? o_O


Active Member
Just sharing something different I have going on that I'm proud of, a little cabinet for carnivorous plants. The big container are all from seed and I've taken out the ones I liked already:



Well-Known Member
Just sharing something different I have going on that I'm proud of, a little cabinet for carnivorous plants. The big container are all from seed and I've taken out the ones I liked already:

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I saw some plants like that at home depot and I was thinking about putting it in my tent but I figured the heat n light would fry them up....Those plants are gangsters!!! Mob type Gangsters in the plant world...LOL


Active Member
They are pretty cool to feed, fairly easy requirements (talking single CFLs here)... and a lot of them come from the area where I grew up and are listed as endangered in the wild now by the way (which is why I got interested in growing them).


Active Member
Hey man I hope all is good with you, this was an awesome read! You have a true thumb for the green! I know how it is hitting that financial wall and it always happens.to us honest people who never ask for more than we need! I know this thread is old but I just hope you read this and maybe cheer you up wherever you ended up. Much love for your style and personality my man!