2x4x5 Tent Setup,6 tube t5, Green Crack, Sunset Sherbert, Pineapple Express.


Well-Known Member
This is how I have my 2x4x5 tent setup for vegging. I don't have a lot of room, but I'm really happy with the cheap $50 tent off Amazon. 2 15 gal and 2 3 gal pots.

Sunset Sherbert (about to get a haircut tonight, and some LST)

Green Crack

Pineapple Express sprout
I would almost swear your tent is upside down.. the velcro vents are usually on the bottom? That a Uhuru tent?
Hahaha. Oh no shit your right. That was a really nice way to say I'm a dumbass. That's hilarious. I was thinking the vent locations were strange when I set it up. Anyways, I think it's actually better in my situation to have the vents on top. I have a portable AC next to it that puts out a little heat down low, and the temp at the floor behind my tent isn't consistent so I have intake ducts down there that I can move around. So it's probably a good thing I screwed this one. That's awesome, things make a lot more sense now. Thanks Icetech.
I also saw a tag on what I thought was the top. I was thinking it was the Topolite tag. Just looked at it closer, it says "Made in China" upside down. Funny man.