2x6x7 Closet with No Ventilation but Can't Decide What Lights to Use


Active Member
Agreed^^^ u dont need vent it just helps as i said allllllllllllong time ago..600w in 4.5x4.5x2.5 which is smaller than ur working with and my cool tube is within 6 inches of some plants...And only 1 box fan outside of closet blowing in with closet crack and on 1 hr of another cuz i get sick of listening to the fan lol...would have fan in my closet but these autos i have going got way bigger than expected...


What is the door made out of?


^ This style and size/power fan is what you would want.
Sounds like a situation where I would make a 4 inch outlet through a door or wall and cover it with a heater grate.
Then I would make a 4 inch by 10 inch square inlet down low.

So you would have

CarbonFilter>Inline Fan>Ducted Light>Exhaust outside of room
Also remember if the temperature outside the room is high then all the fan in the world wont help you.
thanks for all the input on the fans, i doubt i spend too much money on the fans. I mean im having thoughts about not going through the wall now since some say i dont need a ventilation system. But if i dont go through and just have some fans blowing in the room and open the doors every now and then, then i think a 400 watt hps might be to much light. But I found out that a 3 gallon pot is 11 in diameter. So i could go with 2, 2, and 1 on the end. The combined length sideways would be almost at 3'. So essentially it would be a 2x3 space for lighting. At 30 watts per foot that only comes out to 180 total watts. So would a 250 work? If it does i might go with it so i dont raise the utility bill so much with a 400watt hps.
Also what is the lumens per square foot necessary to grow really tight buds. Haha i have alot of questions because i dont want to mess up this up! I want to make sure everything is exactly right. Also what would be a good feeding schedule and what kind of fertilizer. I probly will start flowering when they are 6 to 8 inches tall. Will i need to feed during vegetive? What are some not so pricey fertilizers?


Active Member
Hey Dank just get a 400w Quatum ballast and a cooltube reflector...With this ballast u can go from 200w-400w its up to u...Seedlings under the 200w then move it up to 300w then 400w if heat isnt an issue..This is ur best bet if u ask me....If this is ur first time i would recommend using HEMPY BUCKETS OR AIR POTS for the simple reason that noob like to feed alot(i do)lol...Hempy bucket is str8 perlite and air pots u can use whatever soil u wanna either coca or FF...Start seedlings in a rapid rooter plugs and in there dome they have and about 7-8 days old u should be able to just put the rapid rooter into either Medium u choose....As far as feeding in veg thats up to u i start at about 7-10 days right about when u put them into ur medium but its up to u some dont..As for a nute i would recommend FLORANOVA bloom and grow its basically all u need i also have hygrozyme(helps break down all bacteria and bad roots and stuff its great stuff....Hope this helps..GL


Well-Known Member
Ok, so if 250 hps is my max, then what would be the best way to grow my plants? what size containers? How many plants can i grow? Sorry to sound so inexperienced, this will be my first indoor grow. I do however have 2 outdoor grows under my belt.

Also, since i am on sort of a budget i wont be buying any other light than the 250 hps. What is the best distance to keep the light when starting seedlings so it doesnt burn them.
Look at it this way, it's a 250watt heater.


Active Member
my 600w when set at 300w only raise abmbiet temps by 4-6 degrees with no vent and a box fan out side of closet.............but when at 600 it is about 12-15 deg difference..


Well-Known Member
get two tents. one that is 2x2 and another that is 2x4 use the small one for veg and throw some cfls or a 150 hps or 175 mh. in the larger tent get a 400w for flower. exhaust the tents out of the closet. grow perpetual and harvest every month.
get two tents. one that is 2x2 and another that is 2x4 use the small one for veg and throw some cfls or a 150 hps or 175 mh. in the larger tent get a 400w for flower. exhaust the tents out of the closet. grow perpetual and harvest every month.
That sounds really good. But this is just the summer indoor grow for me. Just because my landlord lady doesnt come around that much in the summer so i can get it by her now. But once college starts back she will be coming every month. I just want to maximize this one grow. But I dont have alot of money to spend, but i do have enough to get a 400 watt light which i know will give me the best yields. But when i start trying to vent for the light with fans that move alot of air they get expensive. But i think im going to still go through one of the walls to my room and just put a intake close to the bottom. And then have like another fan in there too. And then i will open the doors multiple times during the day.
should i put the seedlings in a dome and then under the 400 watt hps light? or should i just plant them in dixie cups? I wasnt planning on getting any special germinating tablet. Just simple germinating and then planting in the soil that i will be growing from the rest of the grow.


Active Member
yeah when u get rapid rooters get there humity done for seedling...Ok first u put ur seeds in a damp pamper towel and put in a plastic bowl or rubbermaib bowl or sumthing like that the put in ur closet(its what i did) and within 24hrs u should have a tap root and then put seedling in rapid root plug tap root faciing down then spray the rapid rooters and put in humidity dome under the 400hps prob 2ft away spray a couple times a day u wanna see the dome like foggy looking(make sure u use a spray bottle so u dont drown the seedlings)...Then after 7 days or so u can put the rapid rooter in whatever soil or medium ur useing just barely cover the rapid rooter 1/4inch....GL boss..


Well-Known Member
The 400 watt would be perfect. Have you considered doing a scrog if you really want to maximize your grow space and light effectively this will keep the canopy even and the light at a safe distance from all of the plants. A cool tube would be great but isn't necessary. Did you do a test run yet?? That will help alot. Put the 400 watt in the closet rigged up and close the door without any fans and see how hot it gets after an hour or two. Then you can figure out how drastic of a ventilation system or minimal (small fan) you need.
Yea i think if my door stays open and i have some fans blowing that would be fine. I still might create a ventilation system just to have that way i can shut my closet doors and not have to worry about anything. Idk yet about that though. Another question I have is that I think im going to let the plants veg for probably 3 weeks. Then i will cut the light back to 12/12. Do i start to count my flowering time right then, or do i wait and count my flowering time till the plant shows its first signs of male/female? I think it means to start once you can see the first signs of sex, but im not sure. And if anyone has any info on Nirvanas Chrystal strain I'd appreciate all the help i can get!