3 1/2 week growth developing burnt tipped leaves need help

Ive been growing this strain from my seed collection for about 3 1/2 weeks now and its been growing kinda slow but ive been patient.just recently it started developing these brown burnt tips i been doing a 24/7 lighting two cfls and my little baby fan to keep it cool what could it be is there any suggestions for faster and healthier growth this is my first time just need some help.IMAG0132.jpgIMAG0130.jpgIMAG0131.jpgIMAG0128.jpg


Well-Known Member
hey weedboy. id say u have 1 bulb to many. and lift it up off the baby. they are tender. maybe ur watering to much. looks kinda wet. babes dont need a lot of lite. ur set up looks good. hope this helps just mu opinion .
I dont kno my ph levels to be honest and thanks for the headsup hammer6913 im gunna remove one of those bulbs . . . . .should i remove the cool or warm bulb .


Well-Known Member
you definitely do not have too much light. more likely not enough. can you tell us more about the soil? are you using nutrients? it looks like nutrient burn imo.
first off i dont have any kinda schedule for the plant water or light , and i used miracle grow potting soil . . .i use the miracle grow plant food (blue mixing substance). . .Should i change to 12/12 or stay 24/7.
This plant looks like it has nute burn and the pH is probably out... this might be coming from your water.
If you can, try rainwater. Flush the pot and let it drain well... this will help remove excess salts.
This plant looks like it has nute burn and the pH is probably out... this might be coming from your water.
If you can, try rainwater. Flush the pot and let it drain well... this will help remove excess salts.
Umm If I read right, he said miracle grow. Now my understanding you correctly, you want him to flush it? seems if it was nute burn, that plant will be nuked. JMHO, and not being a dick.
This said get a meter, check your ph, you have 2 known and well documented problems.

1 shitty soil for the plant, yes miracle grow can produce a plant. Is it the wisest and safest, no. Do you have stuff to measure and correct levels? No so move to number 2
2 you have no idea what levels are in the water you are feeding, let alone no idea what the level are when it leaves the bottom of the pot.

An el cheapo ph tester is 7 bucks, a test strip kit is 14, another thought as well, a moisture meter, another whopping 7 bucks. They are not nasa spec, but alot better then picking your ass and wondering. If money is not an object spend a little more for a better unit.

Hope it helped without apearring rude wasnt meant to be.

Edited add on as I made a mistake and well this will explain

Miracle is not really a shit soil, unless used improperly. For best gains you need to know what is going in your plants, and coming out. Hence the ph and moisture meters. Anything less is a guess.
I used african violet mix with good results for starting my seeds. Though after 2 weeks and a few odd days, they went to a mix subcools soil.


Well-Known Member
one other thing you cpuld try is giving them a dark period . for the speed that is