3 1/2 week old cannabis seedling help


I am new to cannabis gardening but I am experienced in vegetable gardening so I have some knowledge about seedling, nutrition and other growing information.

I'm pretty sure I over-watered my 3 seedlings. I had them in a 16 oz red solo cup, Espoma organic seed starter soilless mix. The cups were not draining fast and I overwatered the plants for about week. I transplanted the plants into less soil and started feeding with 1/3 strength Neptune's Harvest Fish/Seaweed blend. The lower leaves have not recovered but it looks like some new growth in the top leaves. However, leaf drop is still present.

I am using t5 lights that are 6 years old. Is it possible the lights are not strong enough to sustain the growth or should I try foliar feeding to get the plants back on track. The lights are on a timer that is 17/7; watering with distilled water for about two weeks and the water ph level is over 7 but I have not checked the soil ph level. I am watering for the last week or so every 5 days.

I would appreciate any suggestions.

Week 2 pics
Week 4 pics
I unfortunately made that mistake too with my seedlings. They looked exactly like that. Try transplanting into slightly bigger cups with more dry soil. Also my first soil looked like that and would not grow a damn thing maybe try changing that up as well.
Unfortunately you learned the hard way about Solo cups. They need many drain holes (I cut the whole bottom off sometimes).

Looks like a pH problem too. I did that with one of my first indoor grows:




I was able to save it by giving it good water:




It became this outdoors:

@topazgirl170 im also experiencing the same thing as you my seedlings stoped growing after the first week. I’m at week 2 an mine look exactly like yours I was using light worrier seed starting soil an I honestly believe it’s that seed starting soil because yesterday I transplanted them to new red party cups an took of as much of the seed starting soil from the small root ball as I could and transplanted with some fox farm ocean forest an believe it or not but just over night I saw lots of growth
I would take full size solos, add 5+ holes in the lowest part of the cup, add good soil, transplant and get your pH down to 6.5 consistently. At the moment your pH is too high, you don't have enough soil in your pots and they look dry. Good luck.