3 1/2 weeks into flower - looking ok :)

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
So far so good.

I am using Foxfarms soil program... Ocean Forest soil, and all the nutes.

FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company

Going hydro on my next set but had to do one more 70's style grow :)

5 - 6 weeks to go and looking forward to it.

the strains I got from some locals:

Conquestedor (sp?)

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member

It isn't my first - but it is my first legal grow :)

Thanks to OMMP :blsmoke:

Welcome to Voter Power

I just wish they would make the plant limits a little higher but i'm not one to complain.

I'll post more pics when they get bigger.


Well-Known Member
So either you moved to holland, or you somehow bullshitted your way into getting a medicinal license. Either way, cheers. Great lookin nuggies you got a brewin there.