3/5 seedlings have no roots help please

I'm on day 9 when I planted my seeds and put them in rapid rooters. 2/5 have great roots showing through the bottom and sides of the rapid rooters. The other 3 I checked today and they have very little roots at all and they don't seem healthy. Does anyone have any advice? I will post a pic when lights come back on in like 4 hours.


Active Member
You can pick up a root compound that will allow for the quick development of roots. There are several on the market but I have heard a lot of positive feedback in regard to Vita Grow Rooting Compound, which can be picked up $9.00 and upward. This is pretty much the only surefire way I can think of that will provide real results really quickly. Hope it helps!
Lights are 2 35 w CFL 6400k and 1 24 w CFL 2700k, on a 18/6 light schedule. PH is 6.5 and since they are only 9 days I have given them no nutes and I will post a pic later when lights come on.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Or you could wait. Being seeds there is every possibility that they are not all the dsame phenotype. If you have a seedling, then you have a root, it's all a matter of patience from there ;)


Well-Known Member
Or you could wait. Being seeds there is every possibility that they are not all the dsame phenotype. If you have a seedling, then you have a root, it's all a matter of patience from there ;)
yeah man you might have just only had a few really hearty ones, and the other ones might still come around. some root enhancement would be nice
You may just have a few strugglers mate I would suggest giving the poorly plants centre stage under the light - maybe consider misting them to help with water absorbtion until they catch up with the others.
