3 critical jack,3 ghs chemdog,3 different freebees take a look


Lookin good! i will be updating my journal soon as well as the veg state from seed can prove difficult to keep updated on.


Active Member
Too fucked up to read but pix are good and looks like you got the hydro workin. Ill be back when im not so baked, hehe, sub'd.:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
well u know they say "do what works for u" and i say FuCkKkKkK HyDrOOOO im a dirt man, i got some clones gona be ready soon and i may do a 4 bucket dwc w airstones but all the nice beans i got are gonna be dirt first, dro is an experiment thing for me, i got ph meters and ppm meter and shit but i like the simplicity of dirt and at least for me dirt has been less work than 6 fuckin dwc totes w multiple plants, well ne how i harvested that big tote from the first set of pics and honestly i think if that tote was filled with dirt and the same amount of plants.... i belive i woulda did better w dirt. im a dirty bitch what can i say lol


Active Member
Really I like my bitches in the dirt too. At least with dirt I can water the fuck out of them and leave they azzes for 3, 4 dayz and not have to worry about it. Hydro is just too much trouble for me but Im going to try it as soon as I have money and time to burn. :bigjoint:

well u know they say "do what works for u" and i say FuCkKkKkK HyDrOOOO im a dirt man, i got some clones gona be ready soon and i may do a 4 bucket dwc w airstones but all the nice beans i got are gonna be dirt first, dro is an experiment thing for me, i got ph meters and ppm meter and shit but i like the simplicity of dirt and at least for me dirt has been less work than 6 fuckin dwc totes w multiple plants, well ne how i harvested that big tote from the first set of pics and honestly i think if that tote was filled with dirt and the same amount of plants.... i belive i woulda did better w dirt. im a dirty bitch what can i say lol


Well-Known Member
This is the #1 of the 3 ghs chemdog , out of the whole journal she is the best one,i will update the rest later but n e way she was pulled back on Wednesday and bounced right back , im going to change her to an 8 gal pot soon and let her get huge before switching over to flower, im also gona try to get some good clones of her lower prunings right before the change, but she is gonna veg till she is about 3.5 ft or so tall


Well-Known Member
so here is my update , 3 chemdogs all doing good enjoying being bound and everyone fighting to be the tallest branch, 2 critical jacks are healthy and so is ak x nl as well as jack and blueberry , i will take individual pics when i change over to flower , check out the next round, BF blue cheese w fat ass leaves , og #18 , ch9 Bubba, and g13 pineapple express. these 4 are going way harder then the others froom the batch ... including tanjarine dream. well i toped the 4 little guys today so they will have multiple tops . :roll: thats it for now :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
blue cheese is going sick, i never seen such a fat center leaf . im so exited, also just added a quantum 600 digi for some more light in flower WOO HOOO i cant wait to put up a smoke report on these babys


Well-Known Member
major over haul , ill update tommorro been re aranging and "fixing" shit. shit is super legit as fuck. im a happy muffuka !! babys looking good , girls looking great. i can now sit back and relax , tommorro ... game time


Well-Known Member
Cant wait to see the update... I harvest 2 plants next week.

I'm building a 8' x 8' room in my garage for my grow stuff. It will give me a bit of room. I get my lumber tomorrow, should be done in a day or two. I'll post up some pics when I am done.


Well-Known Member
OK HERE WE GO.... yesterday i spent all day hookin up myspace. got mylar up everywhere it counts ,built a perpetual table so every 2 weeks i could move things along. my new focus is a few biggins and alot of "speed weed" what my friend calls it, i got 2 clone stations set up and im just taking several cuts every time they are ready , when they root a select few will be kept and the rest who root are going strait into the fryer. rather then trashing prunings im gonna make em hold me over till the big girls get done , i will take individual pics of all the strains as they go to flower room or upon request if n e one wants to see a specific one , but all in all it was a good day. it feels good to put all your ducks in a row then later it makes it easyer. hope eveyone is good and be happy its the holidays :lol:


quick question: new to growing, am wondering about the cut off leaf tips on your clones... I have about a 98% success rate cloning the way that I do. whats with cutting the leaves?


Well-Known Member
i think it slows down transpiration? takes in moisture to help it continue to live while it has no roots? i really dont know, thats how i was shown and it works? ive tryed leveing them and not sniping them but the next day they lay down and rarely pop back up. how do u clone. cut , 45 cut the bottom , a little scratch for extra wound , water , cloning gel , , snip snip , rooter plug and a little mist is all i do. im intrested in a better way, other than aro cloner.what do u do?