3 Days of darkness before harvest


Well-Known Member
From what i've read a while ago, it remains unproven that dark before harvest boosts resin production.


Well-Known Member
There is a school of thought that drying outdoors in a dark place will increase thc and overall ripeness because the drying plant will continue to produce as the change in temps day/night trick it into thinking it's still in the ground. Whether the overall darkness factors into this, I don't know but tend to think it does.

Anyhow, I will be drying in an outbuilding this year and so get a chance to see for myself :)


Active Member
Def not 3 days. 36 hrs is good. I didn't do it on my amnesia haze but did on my blackjack and I noticed. Could be strain particular or marginal at least but I will keep doing it. Saves 2 days of light at the least.


Well-Known Member
I’ve heard u get a whopping 1% increase n trichome production,dark period or not it doesn’t hurt nothing.speaking of,is it trichomes or trichromes?


Well-Known Member
Can I turn the lights off days before harvest and increase my resin?
There is no scientific evidence that suggests that a dark period of three days prior to harvest will increase resin production. I still do it because there have been times where I did the dark period on some plants while others did not. They were the same strain. It appeared I obtained more resin on the ones in the dark. There were also times when I did that same thing to a different strain and there seemed to be no notice of increase resin production.

george xxx

Active Member
There is no scientific evidence that suggests that a dark period of three days prior to harvest will increase resin production.
I'm like everyone else just read about it and cannot do much more than speculate. What I read on trichomes and closely watching with a glass for the optimal chop time, it seems logic would dictate chopping a few days early the plant will try to continue trichome production. Chop a few days later its done no future trichome production is possible only a decline if you are late. So, my personal belief is that whether or not you get dark time production is actually a matter of chop timing.:-?


Active Member
I am stuck on these darkness threads now because I am shocked that no one knows the reason why this works. I must be the only one who reads scholarly journals on growing....

"Light energy has been collected and utilized by the plant in a long series of reactions resulting in the formation of THC acids. Farther along the pathway begins the formation of degradation products not metabolically produced by the living plant. These cannabinoid acids are formed through the progressive degradation of THC acids to CBN acid (cannabinolic acid) and other cannabinoid acids. The degradation is accomplished primarily by heat and light and is not enzymatically controlled by the plant. CBN is also suspected of synergistic modification of the psychoactivity of the primary cannabinoids, THCs. The cannabinoid balance between CBC, CBD, THC, and CBN is determined by genetics and maturation. THC production is an ongoing process as long as the glandular trichome remains active. Variations in the level of THC in the same trichome as it matures are the result of THC acid being broken down to CBN acid while CBD acid is being converted to THC acid. If the rate of THC biosynthesis exceeds the rate of THC breakdown, the THC level in the trichome rises; if the breakdown rate is faster than the rate of biosynthesis, the THC level drops." (page 48)

Read a book before you tell people they are wrong when they are only trying to help. It is not helpful to seem sure of things you are not. Removing the plant from the light and heat allows for the THC breakdown rate to decrease by slowly the conversion of THC to CBN. If we could grow a plant in the dark it would have astronomically high thc levels.. but the closest we can come is a few days of dark coldness at the end when there is little to no plant growth left. The plant does not need light to continue metabolic processes.
