got you, if its 0.5 scale its easy to convert for me.
1.6 isnt low, but what do i know, it worked for you.
interesting, did you used any MKP PK 13/14 or any other P booster? sounds like you didnt and are happy with the 12 percent P contained in the jacks.
a lot people, myself included add the P boost by using MKP week 4-5, if its sensefull, idk.
atm the usual trend is towards less P, as far i understood mainly for enviromental reasons but recent studies show not that much P is needed.
it does make some sense, as tissue analysis show just a few perent P ( and about 25% N 50% K), not sure atm about fruits, think its similar while P should be higher.
P have a important indirect role as transport molecule, its the only element which gets recylced in the plant.
well, one can read a lot and find proofs and studies for everything.
even worse when you listen to podcast and mix that up with studies.
there are nutrient uptake charts out in the internet, havent found one showing similar curves.
You have likely seen the NPK ratio on the bottle of nutrients you purchased or are shopping for, but are you aware of how the ideal plant nutrient ratios change throughout the plant’s life cycle? If you aren’t already aware, nutrient balance is one of the most important factors affecting your...
this is one for example,.
another one, general for plants.

on maximun yield i found once a complete other one showing higher P uptake later in flower.
thats why i like such first hand reports like you did.
in the end all is a bit subjective, but for me its a proof that P isnt needed in such high quantities if you had a high GPW run with "just" 12% P.
also read the argument too much P impact flavor, no proof at hand.
have to say i am in the middle ground atm as i dont know better.
aiming for 50-60ppm, think it could be more like 30-40ppm, but no need for over 100.
i used one bag maxibloom longer ago with RO water and i remember dark i had some slight calcium problems, while there where for sure more factors at play at that time, a little calcium nitrate would had fixed that for sure.