3 different California Legalization initiatives????


Well-Known Member
So I'm sure basically every stoner thats hip to the fight knows about California's initiative to legalize marijuana in 2010 but as im looking through the ballot measures ive come across 3 Separate legalization measures. im really excited/confused at all this i mean what if two pass but they have contradicting laws. im just wondering if any of you have legal experience or just spare time to read through these initiatives what are ther major differnces and which one would be best to vote for.

here are the links (they are pdf's)




P.S. heres a link the main site http://www.sos.ca.gov/elections/elections_j.htm#circ

P.S.S. i lol'd at the initiative banning divorce in california


Well-Known Member
How does a ballot initiative come to exist?

Does this mean that every person might be allowed to love their plant in California?
a politician writes a proposed law. Then it goes through a series complex channels of approval all the way up to the attorney gerneral. once it is finally approved by the attorney general it is then required to recieve a designated number of signatures. if it receives enough signatures by a set deadline then come election time the people will vote on it and if there is a majority vote in favor it becomes a new law (i think it doesnt come into effect until january 1st but im not sure)