Well-Known Member
Has anyone else had any 3 finger leafs on their plants or know what causes them? I have a Headband plant that started with 5 fingers and has gone down to 3...?? It's a clone from HHC in Oakland CA, started under 600hps for a month, planted outside about 3 weeks ago, now all new growth has 3 fingered leaves, and the plant is very healthy and continues to grow. This is where it gets tricky.... I have 4 plants in the same garden as previous years, last year my purple diesel (that was planted in the exact same spot in the garden as this years Headband) did the same thing. The 3 others in the garden are the same as when they were planted so no cause for concern there.
Could it be my nutes, PH, soil??? It did not have any effect on my plant last year I just rolled with it and enjoyed my harvest, a good one too. Why is it only in this location in my garden that the plant does this? If it was my nute regimen or PH I would think it would turn all my plants that way. Is it just maybe a coincidence? I know theres a few questions there just trying to get other growers opinions, any info would be great! Thanks in Advance!
Could it be my nutes, PH, soil??? It did not have any effect on my plant last year I just rolled with it and enjoyed my harvest, a good one too. Why is it only in this location in my garden that the plant does this? If it was my nute regimen or PH I would think it would turn all my plants that way. Is it just maybe a coincidence? I know theres a few questions there just trying to get other growers opinions, any info would be great! Thanks in Advance!