3 Foot Plant Or 6 Foot Monster ??


The Gardener
Hi What Do You,s Think Is Best Growing A Small fat Plant Or Letting Them Grow And Grow Untill Its A Monster

Last Tme I Let My Plants Grow Untill About 6 Foot But By The Time They Got That Big The Bottem Half Wasnt Getting Any Light And The Buds Seemed Loose And Soft This Time I Grew My Plants Half The Size From Last Time And My Bud,s Are 2x As Fat And Big, Packed Tight Buds And There All Cola,s Instead Of A Cristmas Tree Type

Whats Best Small/big Indoors Only


Well-Known Member
The usual rule of thumb is to grow as much as you can without taking extra risks."If you are going to steal, steal big." so to speak.


The Gardener
The usual rule of thumb is to grow as much as you can without taking extra risks."If you are going to steal, steal big." so to speak.
I know what your saying thats what i want as much as i can get from these as poss. im suprised myself thay there going to yeild more this time with plants half the size with much better buds ,

i tied the main cola down untill the others caught up and trained the others to then just let them all grow togeather

so you,s are saying bigger plants are better ...

another thing whats the distance range that your light will work from i hear 10 -18 inces away is about right im using a 400w hps would a 600w cover a futher distance or will i need good side lighting no matter what


Well-Known Member
well i grow big tree and off two 1000w hps and four plants i got 2lb of good bud and 3/4 lb of small swag bud so i think its better to grow big but if the small plant do better for you then grow small i also keep one light low beside the plant and i rotate my girls


The Gardener
well i grow big tree and off two 1000w hps and four plants i got 2lb of good bud and 3/4 lb of small swag bud so i think its better to grow big but if the small plant do better for you then grow small i also keep one light low beside the plant and i rotate my girls
Hi old thanks for the info ,
say you grow your plants untill they reach 6 foot does your 1000w cover top to bottem i would imagin so with that sort of wattage or is the bottem 1/4 a bit boldish ive went an added side lighting myself from last time just wee 100w ones at each side and rotate them like yourself

mybe just have extra short an stocky ones under a 400w(4 foot) so the hole plants coverd and big 6 footer,s under 1000w,s


Well-Known Member
no when there done there about 6 feet and the bottom of the plant is bare my side lighting is one of my 1000w i just pull the branchs back and have one more fan blowing threw the plants


The Gardener
i dont have the wattage and i dont really have the space there,s room to grow 6 but its only personal so 4 does me i was reading a bit about a bonzi style plant on here an placticed a bit of lst on it and my results came out better

just wanted a few other view,s for quality an quanity