3 harvest in one year outdoor


Start your plants january 1st throw them outside feb 15 these plant are harvested april 15 but only harvest the top 2/3rds transplant into the ground it will take about a month to rejuvenate the plants will have a ebstablished root system and will cacth up to and pass up the plants you start in april and you will not have to wait till the end of summer to sex them saving time and money
He means you can put a plant outside in late december/early january. The sunlight hours will get longer as you get into april, but not too long that the plants go into re-veg. When they are harvested in april (top half) the sunlight hous will be longer and it will re-veg just as if you are starting a new plant.

This only works in tropical climates or warmer climates.

And it doesn't ALWAYS work depending on where you are, sometimes the plant just dies...
I forgot to add take clones off your plant in the beginning of august place outside on sep 15 harvest nov 15 to get your 3 harvests off 1 plant
Or I guess anytime after april you could put outside for a fall harvest. Why dont you veg longer indoors? ONly a month. Seems like you like big plants....
Ill give it a try for these free seeds I got But how cold is to cold? Live in the carolinas so it doesnt get that bad and the snow rarely makes it over the mountains.
Hey pun what part of nor cal you in? I'm in sonoma county and want to do this with some 2 footers i got wounderingif its too early.
I would say with those planting times if you veg plants year round you can have three different harvests. Again the rain and the wind will fight you on a couple of those harvests but it is doable. I will let you know the plants are going outside next month. I already know I can put veg plants out in September and Harvest in Dec. So this is for the third harvest. I know backwards but hey I will have pics and we all will see the progress.
the buds dont really get dense but the smoke still comes out great. somes strains react different some dont fully mature when you harvest the top 2/3 of and leave the little buds on the inside your plant it seems to change the hormones and they realize the days are getting longer and in about a month they go crazy. cold and rain slows them down but they pull threw
Good idea, definatley ganna throw 'em out for an early harvest(that is if this rain stops). How many plants do you usualy do like this?
Kinda sad to hear that you could tell a big difference in density and that cold slows them down. Im down in some of the warmest part of S Ca, so maybe Itll be easier. Although Sac is pretty warm because its such a big city now, all the cement keeps it warmer in winter. Still, rainier and colder.

So youve put em out in Jan? I might have to, cus Im running out of room indoors for all these vegging plants! Might throw out some I have flowering in a few days even.

My big prob is my small backyard, its not protected from lights. I have a plant out there now for a few weeks and it wont flower. Or grow really, too cold maybe. I might have to cover them every night with a box...