3 Jack herrer bushes. Very big!!


Active Member
These are my 3 sativa Jack herrer's. What ya guys think? Right now they are all 11 feet tall, 8 1/2 feet wide. Humungus branches, each Branch looks big enough to be another plant. Lol I'm hoping for a shit load :) I've vegged them since June 20th and they started to flower 2 1/2 weeks ago. They are sativa dominent so I'm thinking another 10 weeks. I'm hoping Ill be harvesting by the Begining of December. I gave them maxi grow for the veg and I'm giving it maxi bloom for the flowering.
pic took on augest 25. Tall plant on right is jh1, plant in the middle is jh2 and the one in the back far left that's unseen is jh3.

Jack Herrer 1

Jack Herrer 2

Jack Herrer 3


Active Member
Dang I was thinking about it and I have about 33 feet tall worth of sativa, and 24 feet wide :) any one know how much a plant my size should produce?


Active Member
2 ounces lmao! More like 2 lbs. I'm in Cali, and the reason they just started budding is because there full sativas. They have late flowerings.


Active Member
Thanks. 6-10 lbs :) That sounds lovely. 1lb of pure buds, not trim would equal out to about 3 ounces of bubble hash. Give or take. :)

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Haha that made me laugh, :) it's hard to come out of my grow room once I'm in it.
LOL :P i bet! your gonna be in for a bumper harvest- gonna be in for a right mighty task manicuring all that- chainsaws at the ready eh i imagine its a trunk the size of a mighty oak at the bottom lol :D


Active Member
LOL :P i bet! your gonna be in for a bumper harvest- gonna be in for a right mighty task manicuring all that- chainsaws at the ready eh i imagine its a trunk the size of a mighty oak at the bottom lol :D
Lol :) again you make me laugh. Danm 6 -10 lbs of trimming :( o well it'll be worth it.

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
Lol :) again you make me laugh. Danm 6 -10 lbs of trimming :( o well it'll be worth it.
Damn thats alot of scissor hash- hope you got some spares, my scissors gave up the ghost halfway through like they were superglued together!

Them plants- should i say trees? look so tasty already + rep :D


Active Member
Lol ya I'm deffinitly gunna have to buy a few pairs of scissors. My 2 pairs won't make it threw my Project Mayham, and my Jack Herrer. :) lol. I read your post earlier but didn't have time to repost, but talking about scissor hash made me go chop a quarter of my Mayham and I had to go make some :) typing super high :) the cuttings are in the freezer awaiting my bubble bags tommorrow. :)

Edit: Smells and tase like skittles.