3 leaf nodes and height


My plant is just over a month old in ffof soil it seems to be very short it has 6 nodes off the main stem. It just seems really short which I know is fine just not sure why when it’s suppose to be a mostly Sativa strain 60/40 I believe. But it is just over a month old and it is only 5 inches tall. I posted a pic from the top down to show how bushy it is. But I do have my lower branch’s tied down so they could get more light.

The other thing is I noticed is I have one of my lowest branches started producing 3 leaves per node so now im wondering why? It started out only doing 2 per node now it is three it looks cool in my opinion but I don’t know what it means.

I don’t have a pic of the nodes right now and I the only pic I have of the 3 leaf node is under led I will post more pics later.



New Member
It'll be easier for people to inspect your plants Health by posting pictures under adequate lighting or the flash of the camera not the lighting of the lamp your using. The amount of leaves on the plant will just show how healthy the plan is and how much light they're getting my first grow my plants only got to five leaves but I didn't have good lighting I switch my lighting and now I have up to 11 leaves the first one's always start out with one then you go to 3 then you go to 5 then you can go to 7, 9 Etc. You can still get a big yield from a bushy plant but you'll get bigger Bud from a taller plant it'll have more room to get light.