3 leaf plant


Active Member
has anyone had a plant with 3 leaves, i dont mean each leaf has 3 tips but 3 leaves grow. all the rest have 2. Anyway dont know what sort of seeds they are as i put them away about 7 years ago. but all 7 germinated, no probs. But wanted to know if this plant with 3, will it be a gooden or does it just look special.


Well-Known Member
its a genetic thing, ive seen pics from like 10 plants that have had the extra leaf and growing shoot since ive become a member, so while its kinda rare its not unheard of.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
triploids. they are really rare, and usually flip back to normal after a few weeks.
its a mutant. keep a clone of it, it might be pretty special.
I would love some pollen from one of thoes :X


Active Member
my first grow so dont know anything about cloning. i will start researching it, how long do i have to clone it if its just starting to flower now, or does it not matter when u take it?


Well-Known Member
my first grow so dont know anything about cloning. i will start researching it, how long do i have to clone it if its just starting to flower now, or does it not matter when u take it?
If you JUST started you can switch the light cycle back to 18/6 and revert is back to veg. I would let it veg for a couple weeks, take clones, get them rooted( 2 weeks generally) and then flower it all, or just the clones if you want to keep it as a mother.

Night Claptoman

Well-Known Member
you can clone it as long as it have leaves, but to increase your chances and make it grow faster you want to take clipping before the 4th week of flowering.
however, don't lose your genetics.


Active Member
it is a bit bigger now, but i'm using an ag so i have to keep it small or short, i'll see if i can get an upated pic, u might be able to tell me what to cut


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't recommend cloning while flowering. The plant is focused on bud growth, not repairing itself after you've cut it up. This is a good way to herm your plant out.

You CAN do it, it just adds additional stress, and slows growth.


Well-Known Member
reverting it to veg hurts more than clipping a few bottom branches for clones during flowering, dont be scared of it, flowering clones root faster and grow more branches than regular clones, the only part that sucks is after it roots it need a few weeks to revert to veg, i'd rather do that than re-veg a plant just to cut some clones and then re-flowering it. check this out.......