LOL this was 2 years ago and I am only reading it because I currently have a plant i created (crossing) and one of them has 3 sets of cotyledon.
Not sure if you are still on this forum but believing afghanica as the 4th type of cannabis is a misconception because every strain that can be labeled as afghanica also fits under indica... There is NO point in labeling it because it does not need to be there. it really all just depends how you look at is because techincally all plants are cannabis sativa. Most people really believe indica is a body high, sativa is a up/head high, and ruderalis is just a type of plant that does not need a specific light pattern to flower. This is how most clubs label it (even though you would never see anything labeled as ruderalis at a club, because there is no point). So there is really no point in saying afghanica because 90% of people will call you an idiot for using that term because they believe it does not exist. Yes, it does exist, but it is fucking pointless to use. Good luck even finding PURE genetics anymore... Even people who live in secluded places like the Himalayas, where they have strains that are pure and not breed with other cannabis from around the world. In about 2008 locals were saying that pot was becoming less of a psychedelic all because stupid fucking people brought pollen with them and pollinated some plants and now you really cannot find anymore cannabis that is specific to one region. (well thats not 100% true I am sure you can but it is becoming less and less) which is why we have people like Strain Hunters who are on missions to find and preserve some of the most elite and original genetics, in places all around the world. I tip my hat to those guys.