3 new little babies ( HELP ) plz


Well-Known Member
Hey guys well this is a update of the 3 babies looking good except 1 the leaves are kinda deformed or something ??

the other 2 are looking good i think. the one on the far left is the one im talking about i have no nutes to add to it :( any ideas guys or tips please and thank you !



Well-Known Member
It's just some MG soil I had so whatever is Included in that .. Hoping just a deformation n she grows out of it lol


Active Member
Your soil should have a good bit of nutes to start, but you should never need to add nutes to a plant that small. Are you PHing your water? If not that could be a issue right off the bat. Also, over watering can cause a lot of trouble with new seeds/plants so be light on the amount of water you are giving them until they are fully established.


Well-Known Member
Ok yeah I didn't plan on getting any mutes except for flowering and I try to let the so dry up for the most part lol they be looking thirsty when it's dry it's hard hahA


Hey buddy I have the same issue one of my plant has a leaf that like stopped the growth but i am presuming due to the power outage (sandy) they toke a big hit. Lights were off for like 9 hours. But I like the big one its looking pretty nice! Keep it up and keep in touch I will post up some of my pictures later on today check them out and send some feedback good growth young panawan!


Active Member
I notice several posts about seedlings looking bad in the MG soil, i think its the nutes thats already in it thats giving it to much, seedlings dont need nutes to begin with. You should start them in rockwool first, and then transplant to your soil


Well-Known Member
I will have much more to work with next time this was a go with what ya got type thing do you think it will recover when it gets older
Most deformed looking seedlings I have grown have corrected themselves during the vegging period. Using nutes in the vegging period is very important. In the stage, the plants growth rate increases dramatically and the plants consume a great deal of Nitrogen. Make sure that your soil is drained of nutes before starting a nute program. Adding a nute solution's to soil with nutes already in it could kill the plants or stunt their growth. I like to sprout in soil mix that is meant for seedling and have nutes added to sustain them until they they are ready for vegging. I then transplant into a soil-less mix, water normally for a week or two, then start adding nutes to the water. Takes the guessing game out of it.


New Member
I had trouble getting my watering schedule down at first too...the top of the pot was dry...but the bottom was not....so i was giving them a little every day....BAD!!!....only water every 3days...I realized the plants actually hate water
.i mean they have to have it but they look happier n better dried out....and u should prolly get ur light closer....I noticed some stretching....here's one I started 2days ago...View attachment 2394348...20121031_084309.jpgu want them short n stocky n u want the nodes close....it'll be better for ur buds when the time comes...20121028_161328.jpg...this ones two weeks....keeping the lights close keep em stocky


Active Member
Mg actually makes a seedling soil that is not to bad. As for the regular stuff it says it feeds for something like 3 months but usually a after two months its pretty well drained of nutes. Pretty much just get your ph right and if they make to veg I think you would be good until flowering depending on how long you plan on vegging. Just pay attenetion to your plants they really do let you know what they need and it took me a while to understand but you will.


Well-Known Member
Yes that's what I have been doing is misting them everyday because top soil dr so I figure that little bit will be good for them lol yes trying get my lights close I get nervous lol my ventilation is bad don't wanna burn em!!!! Thanks for all the input I wl try not to water them so much !!!


Active Member
a good tip for u with ur watering would be to wait til the top soil is dry then when u stick ur finger in the soil see how wet it is like for a seedling id wait till i stick my finger in half way in the soil an its dry


Well-Known Member
Ya I have Been letting top soil dry out alot more lately n checking it lol :) thanks for all the tips she still look all bad but who knows :) well c