3 or 5 gallon pots?


Active Member
I have a 5x5 tent with a dimmable 1000 watt lamp. How many 5 gallon pots can you fit and grow under these specs? What if I did 3 gallon pots? I'm trying to not have the leaves touch that much (because of white mildew) with a couple different strains. This isn't my first grow, but first with this setup. I'm only vegging for 30 days. I would like to use as little pots as possible..
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Well-Known Member
Hey buddy, the question is how big you want them to be or how long you can veg for? the 1000w should provide better penetration so I would grow bigger plants if I had the time. In your space I would grow up to 6 x5gallon pots with 2 or 3 different strains. Veg for 6-8wks & let flower. Good luck


Well-Known Member
4x 7 gal if soil
4x 5 gal if coco or other soiless mix.

trust me 4 plants works so much better than 5 in a square space, if you don't want to do 4 plants try 9 in 3 gal pots maximum use of space and you wont need to veg as long.


Well-Known Member
id consider doing a scrog, and setup a vert or stadium(or at the very least raise the ones on the outside edges, they get much less lumens and will mature even slower usually) if you want to get the most outta that hps. everyone else seems to have answered the potting question though, ive seen people grow 4-6 footers with 5 gals, but the more soil usually means more yield. if youre vegging for a month though i think a 3 gal would suffice, depending on how bushy the strain is id say you could probably manage growing a plant per square foot, so 25, id only do this if it wasnt a bushy strain, something that doesnt really branch out whatsoever and had short indica leaves since you want to avoid having leaves touching.

if its bushy though id only grow probably 15 in the whole room and weave the tops through a screen.


Well-Known Member
The 3.5 and 5 gal utility type buckets are the same circumference, so they'll take up the same floor space but different heights.

In that size tent, I wouldn't go smaller than 2.5gal to allow enough root space.