3 page post just got LOST.. F*ck typing all that again >:(


Active Member
If you used neoprene disks in your cloner you won't need a medium until you transplant.

Also when it takes me a while to upload I open another tab and make sure I'm logged in before hitting enter.

Hope this helps.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
Very shitty indeed. I suppose you would benifit from having mother plants. no more worrys about recieving seeds and paying out for em.
*nod* definetly, I just have to get my paws on the strains I want, and I plan to plant just one of each strain, then store the rest (Mason jars are proven to retain germination rates for well over 3 years: The glass jars with the red rubber seal and hinged-metal clip.), once the parents are healthy and vigorous enough to not notice the cuttings, I'll start cloning. I'd also like to try using Silver-water to force some male flowers, so I can propegate my own femm'ed seeds. ;)

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
Ok i use a home made bubble cloner as well but for some reason i had some die.
I had a perpetual grow up until a couple of months ago and was cutting 20 plants every 2 weeks. never had a single plant die.
I just use the 3 inch long blue heavy airstones from the hydro shop and they don't need to be held down.

Not sure what i was doing wrong.

i cut the stems on a 45 degree angle and dip in clonex. then into rock wool and into 2 inch net pots and into the bubble cloner with 1/4 strength nutrients. i know this is not necessary but my clone usually sprout roots within a week.

As for the Scorpion?
Lol meet pinchie my pet scorpion.

i found him walking across the lounge carpet one night/morning and just didn't let him go LOL
He's not that big just looks like it in the picture.

Take it easy man.
I couldn't probably have a guess even since I didn't see the cuttings. My usual method (that worked fiiine in Sydney, a decade ago), is to just take the cutting, hormone powder it, then stick it in some perlite in a small pot sitting on a plate with water in it.

For some reason, they just don't work like that here in adelaide. I wihs the local hydro shop hadda had the Neoprene disks... grr.. with them, I wouldn't have to stuff round with medium at all.

I could order em online, I spose. There'd be places in Oz that'd sell em on the net for sure. Just my local didn't have em.

He looks stingy to me.. ever been stung by one? .. I've never even been bit by a spider at all come to think of it, and I've never even SEEN a scorp in the flesh, so to speak.


GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
If you used neoprene disks in your cloner you won't need a medium until you transplant.

Also when it takes me a while to upload I open another tab and make sure I'm logged in before hitting enter.

Hope this helps.
Yeah I might order some tomorrow, like I said above - online. Wouldn't matter which mesh I use then, since I'd just cut the bottom right off.

It'd also mean I wouldn't have to worry about the fizz-water actually penetrating the medium, or rather, the mesh-pots plastic getting in the way.


I couldn't probably have a guess even since I didn't see the cuttings. My usual method (that worked fiiine in Sydney, a decade ago), is to just take the cutting, hormone powder it, then stick it in some perlite in a small pot sitting on a plate with water in it.

For some reason, they just don't work like that here in adelaide. I wihs the local hydro shop hadda had the Neoprene disks... grr.. with them, I wouldn't have to stuff round with medium at all.

I could order em online, I spose. There'd be places in Oz that'd sell em on the net for sure. Just my local didn't have em.

He looks stingy to me.. ever been stung by one? .. I've never even been bit by a spider at all come to think of it, and I've never even SEEN a scorp in the flesh, so to speak.

My thoery on why I had cuttings die was possibly the ones i cut were too young not sure.

i used to use a germination tray just dip cuttings in clonex then into rockwool then in the germinator. but then i started cutting 20 at a time and at any given time i had 80 in flower and 60 in the veg room. LOL too many for a germ tray.

As for the neoprene discs why can't you make your own?
Get a camping roll/mattress thing. The really thin ones cost like 10 bucks or so. Cut your own discs from that.

Pinchie is not stingy but then I've never touched him/her lol. He/she is poisonous but not life threateningly so. More like a bee sting.

I'll include a pic of my current grow. Flipped to flower last night. Just cause i can LOL

View attachment 1961795


Active Member
You could make your own. I have seen guys use those large neoprene puzzle pieces (for children) with alphabets on them. They are a little thicker but work. Your right though the smaller net cups would probably impede the root system as they get bigger. My stocks get bigger then a 2 inch net cup.

Chadness has a good idea with the camping mat.


Well-Known Member
I'm typing away for like, 30minutes, then when I go to post it, I get the Fucking login screen, and the post is GONE forever. Fark me dead.

I just don't even FEEL like typing out a re-hash. Does that happen often? How godamn annoying!!

My basic message, I asked whether or not a Bubble Cloner could be used to start off new seedlings.

Nup.. I've lost the incentive to even bother :(
I'll let you in on a little secret: Whenever that happens, just press the button to go back one page and your post will still be there, then all you have to do is copy and paste once you've logged in.

You're welcome.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
My thoery on why I had cuttings die was possibly the ones i cut were too young not sure.
Ahh yeah, perhaps. The one and only plant I've got growing at the moment was very young when I took two cuttings of that. BOTH cuttings died, and the plant was only a few inches, so it took weeks to get its mojo back.

I think taking cuttings from plants that're too young, actually cuts.. no drains, their 'spirit'.. You know what I mean :)

Anyway, it was stupid, cos the plant was just TOO small to even attempt it, and it's FINALLY started pumping-out the foliage. Still only half a foot tall, but it's gaining, visibly, each day.

i used to use a germination tray just dip cuttings in clonex then into rockwool then in the germinator. but then i started cutting 20 at a time and at any given time i had 80 in flower and 60 in the veg room. LOL too many for a germ tray.
Lucky lucky you :)

The woman I live with is startin to get shitty JUST because I've built the bubbler, and have to use a window-sill for sunlight in the morning :)

Even the one plant I have, has to be guarded very closely, since her 9month old puppy has trashed SO MANY of my other plants. (I grow all kinds of plants, outside, not just canna: Vege patch, some Khat plants I ordered online, Baby woodrose vine, anything psychoactive I'll grow, and that little fuckhead dog has killed more plants than I can shake a stick at. We also get visitors, so I have to keep hiding the plant when ppl 'pop-in for coffee'. Sooner or later, I just know that one plant's luck'll run out :(

I am seriously thinking of renting a unit or something nice and cheap, just so I can do as I please without the nagging.

As for the neoprene discs why can't you make your own?
Get a camping roll/mattress thing. The really thin ones cost like 10 bucks or so. Cut your own discs from that.
YOu are THE MAN! .. you made me remember something in the kitchen draw.. Aren't those cheap mouse-pads made of neoprene? Cos I have one of them in the draw. It'd be enough to let me plant 6 or so cuttings. :)

I plan to test-drive the bubbler with cuttings from other plants I have, and they'd serve the purpose nicely :)

Pinchie is not stingy but then I've never touched him/her lol. He/she is poisonous but not life threateningly so. More like a bee sting.
Don't you get the URGE to find out how painful the sting is? I would.. like when you're looking out over a cliff, and get the URGE to jump :)

I'll include a pic of my current grow. Flipped to flower last night. Just cause i can LOL

View attachment 1961795
Beautiful plant man :) .. Had a 400W HPS/MH lamp myself when I was younger. The cops accidently found me out, and took the plants though. That was in NSW.. I got a $950 fine for two non-flowering shrubs. Silly really :)

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
I tried that! I did, was all I figured I COULD do.. My browser took so long, I ended up logging-in - thinking that if I logged-in, it'd parse the message data once I'd done that. But nup.. nada :(

S'okay though, I'll copy the box next time before I click submit. :)


LOL I got rid of my woman so i could grow more.
She was raising all sorts of fuss cause i was making more money than she was and she was jealous. LOL

It's great being single again.

You are right the mouse pads are made of a neoprene like substance but they are usually quite floppy. they might do the trick.

HAHAHAHA never had the urge to find out how painful the sting is.
I'm allergic to bees and apparently this particular scorpion's sting is like a bee sting so i'm not risking a visit to the hospital just cause i wanted to see what it was like.
And i know what ya mean about standing on the top of a 34 storey builing looking down.

Its bed time for me so i will bid you good night.
Hope to catch up again soon.
Nice to talk to another aussie grower.

P.S the plants in the previous pic is only half my current grow. Believe it or not there are 3 plants in that pic.

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
You could make your own. I have seen guys use those large neoprene puzzle pieces (for children) with alphabets on them. They are a little thicker but work. Your right though the smaller net cups would probably impede the root system as they get bigger. My stocks get bigger then a 2 inch net cup.

Chadness has a good idea with the camping mat.
Yes Sirrums, I'll cut-up the mouse-pad. THat's got thin cloth on it, but it's hardly even stuck on. I didn't use it for a mouse-pad, cos - well - who uses mouse pads these days, for 1, and 2: It was so cheaply made that the cloth peeled off one day into trying to use it. :)

I'm pretty sure those cheap mouse-pads are neoprene :)

AND, I don't even need to cut em round. I'll get more outta it, if I cut them the width of the mesh-pot, and have just .. yeah just rectangle shape :)

Brilliant :)

As for the 1" pots, it's okay: I'm only going to use the bubbler for rooting clones and staring seedlings. The seedlings will HAVE to be started in Verm. or Rockwool, but the cuttings will be lovin me with the neoprene, and the net pots - though poorly designed, will be just fine, when they're cut in half. simply a collar to hold the neoprene :)

In both cases though (seedlings or cuttings) I only plan to leave em in there till they're big enough to go outside into a pot :)

If I wanted to though, I COULD just leave them dangling in the bubbler, right? The roots wouldn't be hurt, if they grew down into the water, since it's so aerated?.. There're two 12" stones in the single, one-foot-long box :)

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
LOL I got rid of my woman so i could grow more.
She was raising all sorts of fuss cause i was making more money than she was and she was jealous. LOL

It's great being single again.

You are right the mouse pads are made of a neoprene like substance but they are usually quite floppy. they might do the trick.

HAHAHAHA never had the urge to find out how painful the sting is.
I'm allergic to bees and apparently this particular scorpion's sting is like a bee sting so i'm not risking a visit to the hospital just cause i wanted to see what it was like.
And i know what ya mean about standing on the top of a 34 storey builing looking down.

Its bed time for me so i will bid you good night.
Hope to catch up again soon.
Nice to talk to another aussie grower.

P.S the plants in the previous pic is only half my current grow. Believe it or not there are 3 plants in that pic.
This chick isn't even my woman! She'd like to be, but all she does give me stress, who'd want THAT? I've TOLD her flat-out she's a ball-&-chain, and a fun-sponge. She also doens't smoke green, so she won't let me grow, the way *I* want to grow. .. Why do non-smokers think "ONe plant should be enough" .. she's a tripper.

As for the scorp, best not risk it, though *I* feel like finding out, it looks harmless enough :)

And as for the plants, if those are looking that healthy, it's a fair assumption you'd be giving the rest just as much luuurve :)

Me too: Bed. 1am here. :D

GrassCity Sucks

Active Member
My grow consists, at the moment of one plant :) But yeah, I got pics of the one plant, and pics of the bubbler - it went operational last night, and no cuttings have wilted thus far - even in full, morning sunlight :)

THe cuttings aren't canna though: THey're just Motherwort and Catnip. Catnip is very prone to wiltage, so I chose that and the motherwort is very similar to MJ in it's growth structure. the MJ's not big enough to risk more cuttings from yet, so I'm doing this kinda 'test-run' with other plants to iron-out any kinks before the canna gets big enough to strike from :)

I'll upload em in a minute :)