3 People- Alive or Dead, you'd like to go Bowling and Drinking with.

Right or left butt cheek?
Why choose? Maybe you could negotiate for double score.
Won the Trophy animated emoticon

If I were a cheek adviser I would recommend all 4 for these 2.

So many to choose from in so many categories so, I’m gonna go with song writers.

Gord Downie
Paul McCartney
Lin Manuel Miranda.

pretty sure they would all be cool to sit down and have a beer with.
I really enjoy bowling with my grandkids even though it’s a little embarrassing to be beat by the the three year old. However I can still out drink them …. for now at least…. she does have a birthday next weekend so we’ll see if I can hang with a four year old. Just between us I hear she’s been hitting the Robitussin pretty hard this flu season.