3 Plant CFL


Well-Known Member
I think we all know you do not want incadesent bulbs. I have the bulbs for one reason and that was because they seemed to work better than CFL's to get the germinated seed to sprout through the dirt (after many different was of trying).

So if your trying to be sarcastic, F@#k Off:finger:


Well-Known Member
finally got everything correct, just need two more of the 42watters.. but heres some pics, this is exactly 2 weeks from starting to germinate seeds2011-11-22_16-32-14_519.jpg2011-11-22_16-32-22_965.jpg


Well-Known Member
Thanks. It seems the 2 t8 6500k 32watt and the four 42 watt 2700k and the 2 14 watt 2700k is working out nicely, the 2 14watt will be replaced as soon as that plant gets bigger, but thwy seem to suit perfect. I'm having heat issues in the closet, but twp fans should keep it under control. Should I use more lighting?


Well-Known Member
Yeah about those incandescent bulbs....Ha Ha.
MY MK's went moist on 11/6 and are doing Otay. Either cold or hot temp variations slowed me up but I think I'm on track. Put in seeding mats to increase night time temp and pulled an out take fan out of service. I sure hope temps settle down.

Minor problem two of my plants DO3... Any ideas? slightly yellow and slightly crispy plants X2. Hard to believe two weeks into grow I'm running into little chit. I was hoping new soil did just not need any nutes so I doubt that is the issue. Hoping it was just very cold pot temps on the night time shift. Yuh think PH would make a difference this quickly? A CHEAP inaccurate test shows me at about 6.5 but that was with one of those pill in a vial PH tester. Not only are they yellow and slightly crispy they are reaching in an odd way and they are less than 2 inches from the 6500k cfl.. WTF DO3.. incandescent bulbs.
I'm going with LOTS of 23 watt range bulbs bud cause I just can't find anything higher at the depot or Lowes. I'm waiting for 8 inch socket extenders which I hope will let me put light where I want it to go. I'm using my own soil/compost so it will be cool to follow your thread cause it'll be cool to watch a similar project with slight variations. Good luck Budski and hopefully you show me sumpin I can use. I'm going for the ride.

Any ideas how long your gonna veg and if you are gonna prune in a major fashion.I might just hit them with one pinch in a couple of weeks and go with that. Mabye even a double pinch over a few weeks if lucky and plants don't mind. Rock on Dudeski and lets both do well.


Well-Known Member
i tried mul;tiple variations from getting the sprouts out of the dirt, and the incandescent actually worked the best.. Walmart has the bigger wattage bulbs, its kinda wierd. i looked around and walmart had them. they have a GE 42watt 2700k 2700 lumen bulb for 8 bucks and then a 55watt brinks 6500k 3400 lumen bulb. the ge is 8 bucks and the brinks is 18. i went with the GE because it has a better price range and i dont want to go above a 50watt. i see no purpose as you lose the light. i have seen the 125 watters used and seen decent yields, but these best fit for my room. those 23 watters shold do you fine. and when your using multiple bulbs, dont daisy chain and use a surge protector. you would be suprised on how much ive read of people burning there house down trying to grow medicine.. temp has been an issue with me in the closet, goin anywhere from 78 to 91 in the day and a steady 70 at night. its all a matter of trial and error at this point. depending on how many females i have, i am going to do at least one lollipo method in pruning, and the other left alone. i want to see the quality and quantity yields of each. veg, im sayin no less than 45 days.

if you have pics or a journal, i could help you out, id like to comapare as well, how far are you in already? and the reaching in an odd way, i wouldnt worry about if its less than 25 degree bend., pics would help alot. they just want to soak up the light, and move comfortably to where they get the most( because we cannot really mimmick how the sun shifts within a grow room). yea ye aeveryone sais 2 inches, but i dont go by that nonsense. the 2 inches is if you have fresh circulating air within a tent, and can have a fan blowing level between the bulb and the plant. im doing 6 inches with the bigger wat bulbs and about 4 witht he smaller watt.

aldo a t5 fixture would help out alot. and look online on how other people did their lighting,, the right way not the wrong way.

Yeah about those incandescent bulbs....Ha Ha.
MY MK's went moist on 11/6 and are doing Otay. Either cold or hot temp variations slowed me up but I think I'm on track. Put in seeding mats to increase night time temp and pulled an out take fan out of service. I sure hope temps settle down.

Minor problem two of my plants DO3... Any ideas? slightly yellow and slightly crispy plants X2. Hard to believe two weeks into grow I'm running into little chit. I was hoping new soil did just not need any nutes so I doubt that is the issue. Hoping it was just very cold pot temps on the night time shift. Yuh think PH would make a difference this quickly? A CHEAP inaccurate test shows me at about 6.5 but that was with one of those pill in a vial PH tester. Not only are they yellow and slightly crispy they are reaching in an odd way and they are less than 2 inches from the 6500k cfl.. WTF DO3.. incandescent bulbs.
I'm going with LOTS of 23 watt range bulbs bud cause I just can't find anything higher at the depot or Lowes. I'm waiting for 8 inch socket extenders which I hope will let me put light where I want it to go. I'm using my own soil/compost so it will be cool to follow your thread cause it'll be cool to watch a similar project with slight variations. Good luck Budski and hopefully you show me sumpin I can use. I'm going for the ride.

Any ideas how long your gonna veg and if you are gonna prune in a major fashion.I might just hit them with one pinch in a couple of weeks and go with that. Mabye even a double pinch over a few weeks if lucky and plants don't mind. Rock on Dudeski and lets both do well.


Well-Known Member
Thanks DO3. I will post some pictures a bit later on. Always willing to take some advice. Your lights out temperature seems fine But it would be nice to shave a few degrees of of your date time temp.
I think I will constantly be tweaking to keep my temp okay
I put 5 Feminized MK Seeds in moist tissue On November sixth. They all sprouted Without any problems which surprised me Cuz they just did not look great. Very small and weak looking seeds.
No good bulbs at my walmarts But they had a ton of space blankets. Go figure...
I have to post pictures DO3. It never happened without pictures. Rock on dude And have a nice turkey day.


Active Member
I have a set up similar to that in a closet. I have 3 x 42watt t8's and I hang as many CFL I need to get more light to lower parts. When you get into flowering you might have issues with humidity, I just used Damp-rid buckets and it worked like a charm, nice and cheap and easy maintenance. Just make sure you keep your lights nice and close since you are using CFL and floro tubing. The lumens drop by like half after about 2-3 inches from the bulb.

funny you mention using damp rid, I thought about that to.... not that Im anywhere near the flowering stage.... but wouldnt damp rid suck the moiisture right out of your plants?


Well-Known Member
Sup DO. I do a ton of gardening but with teenagers(now 18 & 20YO) it's all been the kind your neighbors can look at since 1984. Chit I'm old. I propagate dozens of plants every year and have been crossing daylilies for 10 years looking for one I can name. Last spring I "air layered" Rhodies took cuttings of Acuba and pot layered climbing hydrangea and my success rate is pretty good. I also have oranges bred by others to live just fine here in Boston even when covered with snow. BUT!!!! even though I consider myself pretty knowledgeable this indoor under cfl chit is gonna kill me. The sun and rain worked fine back in the 80's but wtf!! Hell DO you garden outdoors so you know what I mean. Growing outdoors with good sun, good soil and good rain can't be beat. If you have those things you need nothing else. Not even a nute.

Don't Daisy chain Ha Ha. I already should have a full time guard on the box just in case of fire. I got more times and splitters and surge protectors and fans going on one extension cord I should be ashamed. I don't think I'm using much power YET but I do need to watch things. Those cheap splitters from the depot are just that. CHEAP.

I put 5 feminized Master Kush seeds between tissue on 11/6/11 and all had sprouted within 2 days. 4 sprouted within 24 hours. I was surprised as the seeds looked weak and small. I guess as of today they have been around for 16 days and have been in dirt for 2 weeks. What are you using for dirt?? I am using my own compost and soil mix. It's my best stuff and has been tended for years. I thought it would be weed free but it's not but that's not a prob. I also thought it mostly bug free as well but it's NOT!! We will see what that means down the line. I am watering with water from my koi pond. I might be acidic but it does have some good fish shit in it. I'm old school and plan on pinching or HST as it's now called. I might tie one or two down just to compare as well. I guess that's now LST. The terms are new to me but the practice is not.

TWO weeks in and I'm already stumped. A little yellowing and crispiness going on. It's on the oldest leaves so hopefully it was just the cold floor and the new leaves won't have a problem. Do you think I could be deficient in sumpin already? I was gonna wait a couple of weeks more b4 I fertilized but now I don't know. You think it could be a PH issue? I have lime in the shed but it's pretty slow action stuff. If I fert and that's not the issue I could be in even bigger trouble. I didn't take pictures of the good plants. They "seem" to be doing fine. Keep it growing.



Well-Known Member
they sure love that california sun and weather , it is super hard to mimmic outside conditions for indoor growing.

what kind of light schedule are you using?
as for soil, im using miracle grow, i checked it throughouly as i put them in the pots, looking for the bigger sticks, and any bugs i might see. You do not want bugs inside your grow area, they can be little pests. i would of started with miracle grow ( because it holds most simple nutes to start out with ) and then when transplanting comes along, move to your homemade soil/compost. i would switch to buying distilled water from the store. Ive used some all purpose, water solluble plantfood made for vegies and indoor plants in a 20oz bottle mixing 1/2 bottle cap with water, and then do one cap of teh water every 2 days but that was started a week after sprouting. ( i guess its for extreme conditions or sumthin).

the yellowing of the leaves to me looks like pottasium defficientcy ( you should get a better ph test kit, to give you a more better accurate reading). you did say no nutes have been used within the two weeks so it cant be a nute burn. but the drying of the leaves sounds like its a heat stress problem. going form higher in the day to an extreme drop when the lights go off will cause the plants to stress over temps and curl up like that.

and i would take that stuff around the plant on the soil off, and let the soil breathe a littl ebetter. when do you plan on transplanting, your setup is nice man

Sup DO. I do a ton of gardening but with teenagers(now 18 & 20YO) it's all been the kind your neighbors can look at since 1984. Chit I'm old. I propagate dozens of plants every year and have been crossing daylilies for 10 years looking for one I can name. Last spring I "air layered" Rhodies took cuttings of Acuba and pot layered climbing hydrangea and my success rate is pretty good. I also have oranges bred by others to live just fine here in Boston even when covered with snow. BUT!!!! even though I consider myself pretty knowledgeable this indoor under cfl chit is gonna kill me. The sun and rain worked fine back in the 80's but wtf!! Hell DO you garden outdoors so you know what I mean. Growing outdoors with good sun, good soil and good rain can't be beat. If you have those things you need nothing else. Not even a nute.

Don't Daisy chain Ha Ha. I already should have a full time guard on the box just in case of fire. I got more times and splitters and surge protectors and fans going on one extension cord I should be ashamed. I don't think I'm using much power YET but I do need to watch things. Those cheap splitters from the depot are just that. CHEAP.

I put 5 feminized Master Kush seeds between tissue on 11/6/11 and all had sprouted within 2 days. 4 sprouted within 24 hours. I was surprised as the seeds looked weak and small. I guess as of today they have been around for 16 days and have been in dirt for 2 weeks. What are you using for dirt?? I am using my own compost and soil mix. It's my best stuff and has been tended for years. I thought it would be weed free but it's not but that's not a prob. I also thought it mostly bug free as well but it's NOT!! We will see what that means down the line. I am watering with water from my koi pond. I might be acidic but it does have some good fish shit in it. I'm old school and plan on pinching or HST as it's now called. I might tie one or two down just to compare as well. I guess that's now LST. The terms are new to me but the practice is not.

TWO weeks in and I'm already stumped. A little yellowing and crispiness going on. It's on the oldest leaves so hopefully it was just the cold floor and the new leaves won't have a problem. Do you think I could be deficient in sumpin already? I was gonna wait a couple of weeks more b4 I fertilized but now I don't know. You think it could be a PH issue? I have lime in the shed but it's pretty slow action stuff. If I fert and that's not the issue I could be in even bigger trouble. I didn't take pictures of the good plants. They "seem" to be doing fine. Keep it growing.



Well-Known Member
oh and P.S. that one showing above, is just begging to get stinkier. it is already showing its first signs of odor at 2 weeks. Im actually super suprised on this


Well-Known Member
My current schedule in 19/5 for no particular reason. Could just as easily be 18/6 or 20/4. Not sure how much difference it makes. I don't mind water soluble Miracle grow in a pinch but I use it at about 1/4 strength at most. Personally I would never start my plants in MG soil though. You can't monitor the nutes and you certainly can't adjust it if things are burning or bothered. You don't really find bugs in your MG do you. I would be pissed. At least my bugs are of my own doing. We will be doing things very differently I think. I have a better chance of walking on water than of me retiring my soil. Way better than MG soil could ever be!!! Why would I want to use distilled store bought water over my own pond water. That's pond water in the picture. I just keep a little in there to help keep the humidity up. I also like the temp of my water to be the same as the box temp. It's good clean water with a touch of fish pooh. I could check the PH on it as our rain does tend to be acidic.

I did a soil test(a simple one) and my potassium levels are high which I think is good. You can raise your potassium levels with wood ash and my compost pile gets more than enough hardwood ash. My PH is coming in at 6.5 which is a little bit high but not enough to cause the problems in the pictures. I did have some major temp swings early on and I'm hoping that was the problem and has been resolved. I "THINK" the trouble was that not only were the night time temps to low the plants were basically sitting on the basement slab which kept them roots cold. I added a couple seedling heating mats I had around. The stuff around the plants is just the remains of old Jiffy pots. I don't think it makes a difference in O2 but it does help when watering. It stops the soil from getting disturbed to much. Maybe I will take some off of a couple of plants just to see.


Well-Known Member

I want to say the problem with that plant is either a pH problem or a phosphorus deficiency. I had a problem like that before, couldn't save them in time but I found some good information here http://www.greenmanspage.com/guides/plant_abuse.html. Good luck, I'm subbed. (Also, if I'm remembering correctly, 6.5 is perfect for soil. I'll look at it again, throwing me off now. lol)


Active Member
Hey dude, things are looking good. Just wanted to give you a heads up if you were still looking for bulbs (for veg anyhow), do an Ebay search for PB-45, you can get 6 45w bulbs for $22 shipped. For a little more they also have 65w bulbs, just search PB-65. These are all 6500K bulbs for veg. Good luck with the rest of your grow, hope this has helped.


Well-Known Member
I'll tell you what Dutch I had also put my finger on either ph or k as did DO3. My k came in as high and I'm hoping that is what it's supposed to be.:-?I used that little pill type testing kit for my potassium as well as my PH but I think I need a ph meter. (A cheap one). I thought 6.5 was high for weed and my soil is basically rotted oak leaves with some greens thrown in so I would have bet my dirt was very acidic. Should my potassium be high? It was just a color chart measuring scale/picture. Dark being high in k and clear colored being light in k. Just not sure what that means and what I'm looking for. I'm gonna be messin with temps and chit all winter..:neutral:

The little ladies are looking a lot better since I moved them and their box up off the cold basement floor. The warming mats maybe helping as well. The new growth looks a nice rich green with no signs of the yellowing. Do you know Dutch how chill issues manefest themselves in plants? Problem is that it has been warm out and is just now cooling of to below freezing outside. :-(

Silver.. I don't know if DO3 is still looking for bulbs but I may have to check that out myself. I will need more light and all I am working with right now is ones under 25 watts.

DO3.. How long you planning on vegging and what do you think about a VERY weak MG foliar spray? I would also like to get my humidity up a bit too. It's hanging out at about 20%. I think "maybe" when I transplant up the bigger pot size will transpire more moisture. You think maybe?


alright roots if you dont mind my .02 I have a few ideas. First id go 24/7 6hrs running of cfls your have is nothing for energy bill. Also you need to move the t8s closer. I have seen plants touching them with no burning t8 maybe gets to 90 degrees. Also I would never plant like that again. Plants i have found to be better moving up size by size. Not dixi to 5 gallon. Also fan needs to be on 24/7 leaves breath so much better with moving air. You need to move the lights closer. Id also see if you could transplant to a smaller bucket that way you can bury the long stems so they dont fall over durring flowering. Also the incandescent light did better because it runs hotter. Its better for seedlings but now that they are getting better lower temps are much better for your plants id keep low 70s then high 70s.

Other then that the grow seems to be going great. keep up the good work.