3 plants in 1 7 gallon aero pot?? or too much?


hey this is my 3rd grow under a 600 watt hps i had 4 autos goin in 2 7 gallon aero pots a fucken mouse ate my afghan and my white widow got some kinda defeciency and looks about dead :( :'( my question is i wanna keep goin with the other 2 autos since they got about 6 or so weeks left maybe a couple more i was thinken of starting my next grow since their not autos and just veg them with my autos as to not waste any more time i want to do 2 grape gum and 1 spiritual punk can anyone tell me if 1 7 gallon aero pot filled all the way to the top with soil be ok enough for 3 regular plants im sure itd be fine for 3 autos but 3 regs not sure any input highly appreciated thanks happy growingbongsmilie


y not aslong as theirs enough room for their roots? im doin 2 autos in the same pot right now as long as their all feminized and u dont need to worry about 1 hermieing the other 2


Well-Known Member
1 plant per pot. They need elbow room. You might get them to grow but you will not harvest more because of plant count. Your plants will just be smaller.

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
will do anybody else have any input?
I do. I agree with everyone else. More than one plant per pot is noob-style growing. I also agree that your net yield will be smaller than a single well cared-for plant. Your idea to start the new ones vegging while the auto finish is good technique, IMO. G/L!

Mr Jinks said:
"I hate those meeses to pieces!"