3 questions...


Active Member
number one....i recently built a grow room and i have 2 small fans mounted...is it ok for the fans to be blowing directly on the plants?

number 2....i am at week 12 of my grow cycle and it appears that this is the time where my plants are really starting to become very "full"...but just one tip of the bud the hairs have changed to red .... but every where else they are still bright white... the spot is maybe about half the size of a penny..Should i go ahead and harvest or give it a few more weeks?

number 3....its time to water my plants and and both pots are dry looking down at my soil i noticed lots of many knats crawling around .... is it a sign that the soil is bad?


Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Let's see here:

1. I don't let my fans blow on the plants while they're still young, but seeing that they're 12 weeks old, I recommend you set the fan to tilt, so that it also blows on the plant, but also on the air surrounding the plant. If you can't set them to tilt, you can let them blow right on the plant, if they're not too strong. If they really jiggle your girl, set them to blow a tad next to the plant, but not directly at it. This whole thing depends on your plants resistance and on temps... Strong fans can lower your plants temps pretty drastically, it's happened to me.

2. It's harvest time when over 75% of the pistils are red/copper/brown. I think you still have somewhere between 1 and 2 weeks still to go. Don't forget, if the first pistils start turning red, it's time to flush.

3. Inspired by the following link http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060619203958AA00cRN I suppose you could go down to your local plant/grow shop and ask for something against knats.

Keep us posted on the development.


Active Member
correction after checking my calendar i just start 10 weeks and one thing i didnt mention is that im following the foxfarm grow/feed calendar

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
10 weeks is still big enough.

I don't usually use calendars since I've noticed that every plant likes to grow its own way in different time spaces. What I'm sayin is, a calendar will give you some guidelines when it comes to growin, but you should always look for what your plant is telling you and showing you.


Well-Known Member
Let's see here:

1. I don't let my fans blow on the plants while they're still young, but seeing that they're 12 weeks old, I recommend you set the fan to tilt, so that it also blows on the plant, but also on the air surrounding the plant. If you can't set them to tilt, you can let them blow right on the plant, if they're not too strong. If they really jiggle your girl, set them to blow a tad next to the plant, but not directly at it. This whole thing depends on your plants resistance and on temps... Strong fans can lower your plants temps pretty drastically, it's happened to me.

2. It's harvest time when over 75% of the pistils are red/copper/brown. I think you still have somewhere between 1 and 2 weeks still to go. Don't forget, if the first pistils start turning red, it's time to flush.

3. Inspired by the following link http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20060619203958AA00cRN I suppose you could go down to your local plant/grow shop and ask for something against knats.

Keep us posted on the development.

its not the pistils you are worried about its the trichs i've had plants that the pistils never turn on..but all the trichs are solid amber....


Active Member
i dont have anything to look at the trichs with i know i was gunna need one soon or later...am i looking at something expensive or will a regular magnafying glass work?..with the pistels turning red is a sign that its almost done with its cycle? and i have looked at a few way to get rid of bugs but do they actually work... the soap, water, vinger trick?

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
its not the pistils you are worried about its the trichs i've had plants that the pistils never turn on..but all the trichs are solid amber....
Hmm, this never happened to me, but you're still right, it's the trichs that are really important.

jknight4652, if you really wanna be a pro about it or your pistils just won't pop out, buy a bad ass 100x microscope to see if the trichs have turned from crystal clear to amber.


Active Member
sounds like a plan i see what a 30x microscope sells for to take a look over the next few days and ill report more i have a pic of one of the buds should i post it?

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
Any new pics can help us give you more advice.

Yes, pistils turning red is a sign that the plant is maturing and is starting to go that last mile before its cycle ends.

I have no idea about the soap, water, vinegar method, but if it implies soap/vinegar even touching your roots, well, I just wouldn't recommend it.

PS: I could be wrong about this, but it simply sounds wrong, if you have to dump that sh*t in your soil.


Active Member
i went to radio shack and found lighted 100x microscope for $13.00...after looking through it for aout 10 mins....5 at which took me to get it focused and i could see a difference in amber and white trichs...seems that most of the smaller ones are more amber...taller ones seem to still be white at the top and seem to be amber towards the bottem so im thinking form this point on straight water to flush it out over the week ...or how ever long it take for the taller ones to turn amber

Doctor Cannabis

Well-Known Member
This looks like you still got 1 1/2 - 2 weeks more to go. I'd wait another 2-3 days before starting to flush. By the looks of it, I'd give her one more watering with full strength flowering nutes and then start flushing.

Keep us posted.

PS: that's a prety nice grow cab you've got goin there.


Active Member
i will keep you posted more and more.. i was thinking a heavy feeding for a week then flush after that... this is my first grow ...and i have 4 clones of them