3 Seedlings.. One Dying


1 of my 3 recently planted seedlings are dying.

these ones were all AutoPounder planted at the same time.

Growing under 500w CFL in a grow box, fans, plenty of vents, 70 degrees low - 80 degrees high. 30% Humidity, 6.0 PH soil, not feeding any nutes at this stage, got them in some cheap B&Q seedling soil, mylar covered walls..

They are in small half pint size pots.

Running 24/0 with lights until flowering.

yesterday I was looking at all 3, about 9 days old with 2 nodes, I remember looking at the stems thinking they were still quite thin and fragile. I looked at one of them and the stem looked slighly skinnier and realised the leaves on the top were flopping a little and twisting.. I also noticed the plant was growing out completely wonky and looked limp.

this morning, I have looked, 2 of them look incredible, like over night the stems have doubled and the leaves are looking full... the other has gone the completely other direction.... still floppy, weak looking but all the top of the plant and leaves are turning brown while the stem is yellowing.

Whats going wrong lol? Im not feeding nutes, ive not caused any stress... they all looked the same 3 days ago. all get same water amount, in same soil and same lights...

I have taken this failing one inside away from the 2 250watt CFLs, the soil seemed dry so gave it a water.. I have placed it under a 24w CFL in a temperature of 65degrees in my bedroom.. dont know if this is right but trying to make it easier for the plant.

Anything I can do to help this seedling?

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
Its hard to give any advice without pictures.

It could just be a bad seed.

Or perhaps it does not like the soil... Some plants are fussy and delicate.

Maybe your overwatering?


Its hard to give any advice without pictures.

It could just be a bad seed.

Or perhaps it does not like the soil... Some plants are fussy and delicate.

Maybe your overwatering?
Sorry, at work now, no chance of pics this morning.

It literally looks like a scrawny, slanted, seedling that someone has rolled around in their hand a little and put back into the ground (first sign)..... then it looked like it had been put in a toaster for a few minutes at the top.

seriously lame and annoying.

It wont be over watering, that's for sure. I think my watering schedule is very tight - perfect imo.

soil, well compost sry, it seems to be doing the others just fine, haven't had any issues using it with the other more matured plants either.

even though its cheap, it looks a very nice, light brown, thinly grained, clean mix.

I just cant think of how to help it lol - any chance of saving a young seedling with completely brown/yellow leaves ? lol

sativa indica pits

Active Member
im growing the pounder also, Its a little fussy, doesnt like the ph anything out of 6.4-6.8 or it wacks out. They are pretty skrawnney plants. The tallest in the room of around 75 autos, but also the fastest budder. Some of my other autos are only 1 ft tall and 30 days old with pinky size buds. The pounders are also 30 days old, 3.5 ft tall with fat thumb size buds. Besides the ph, the one I only fed once is doing better than the other 4 which I have fed like 3 times..... The buds smell as fruity as smashed up berries!!! I crossed it with a wappa male that is over 3ft also and done flowering at 5 weeks.....cant wait for those!!

My pounders started doing the same thing (toaster looking) when the ph changed by about .3 lol, wtf?? I flushed them out bringing the ph back to 6.6 and they have fully recovered.....I have only fed them once since then 2 weeks later..... go super light on fert after a flush!!

They like it a bit warmer, maybe around 75-80 with humidity around 60% My room even got to 85 mid day cycle and they were loving it. What are you running the lights on? 18/6 or 20/4?

ok just read the first post,,,,,, I would have to say if your not feeding, its possibly a high or low ph, sounds just like my pounders, The ph went up to 7.2 and the leaves started drooping, twisting, curling, crisping.....all wacked out. the ph has to be spot on at 6.6 for these to grow right. give them a little dark cycle, 4-6 hrs and get the ph to 6.6, thast will help, what is the run off of the soil?