3 Skunk Special, 9 Unknown.First grow!


My very long anticipated first grow!:D
Pics speak for themselves.

Setup: 1 Hps 400 Watt
6ft high,3x3 box enclosure.
Awaiting on my black & White poly to arrive, and my exhaust fan. Using a carbon filter on the end of the fan. as for Co2 im using 2liters with water,yeast, & Sugar with various hoses wrapping around the plants for excellent co2 flow 8).

The plants:
The 3 that just went in the big pots are Skunk special from a very reliable seed bank, as for the rest they're bag seeds, and the two tiny ones are my GF's bag seeds, they came with the skunk as a bonus so lets see what they turn into!

As you can already tell there various plants looknig vigorous, and plenty of fail ones. I started this grow with the worst conditions, and have managed to revive about 2-3 of them to looking healthy again, the rest are still recovering from a very long neglectful PH inbalance. They've been growing 3 months and 2 weeks, and i just didnt know what i was doing, hoping i can improve this upon the new comers of the garden:).



Hell yeah, been 4 days since my last post, all 3 have sprouted and begun to go green :D,i also got rid of some sick plants, and am now focusing on just 10.


Utopia Haze

Active Member
Not bad but i would watch for the burns, and add more ventilation. Peace
If light is allowed to reach your roots like they will in those plastic containers they will form a bacteria and your plant will die from the roots up... Thats why you nvr see clear pots:) just a tip.


Very true, i was just under funded when i started this grow, but in the coming week or so ill be transplanting them all into big black pots for excellent space and room to grow 8)

Dr High

Well-Known Member
i'd transplant the ones in the clear pots.. even something to hide the light won't suffice, unless you take them up completley. Looking Sexy dude. Keep it up =]


Well-Known Member
thats a pretty empty big basement you got there, are you going to use the whole basement in the future ?


Well-Known Member
yea they are looking a little yellow and droopy, i think you should flush em with some good PH water.


yea they are looking a little yellow and droopy, i think you should flush em with some good PH water.
Yep just flushed them for 2-3 mintues each last night, and topped all but the bushy one. Getting a little worried about my 1 month olds, their first set of leaves are turning colors, but they're not true fan leaves, anyone know if this is or isnt a big issue?


Well-Known Member
looking better, just make sure everything else is good other than the ph. like the temp, humidity, nutes etc.


Well alright! got my black and white poly, my exhaust fan, my bloomfeed, new soil, and new pots(well bags, the guy at the store reassured me they're durable),got some co2 goin as well!. my exhaust fans hole was a little open so i stuffed it with plastic bags, lol looks tacky but its doing the job, first night of 12/12!

