3 Veg 3 Flower

Yes the rules/law does say that but it seems that when leo comes they go by total plant count which includes ANYTHING with roots so once you harvest get rid of the stem cause they count it
I believe the law states "6 plants, with 3 or fewer producing a usable form of marijuana" but then it also goes on to state that leafs are a usable form of marijuana, so really a catch 22, but as long as you have 6 or less, with no more than 3 flowering you should be fine.
how hard it is to get authorization for more plants, how do u go about getting a docs rec after getting the card, do i have to wait for nxt yr?
I imagine you could go back, or to a different doctor, then you will at least have documentation of it. No need to send this to the state as it is just an affirmative defense anyhow.
But you should really look into this more, if they do happen to check in on you and you have more than 3/3 or 6 total, they will take everything and then you will have to defend yourself in court, most likely after being hauled off to jail. And if you do end up in federal court they won't even let the jury hear the words "Medical Marijuana", so your defense is entirely shot, just ask Bartowitz, well in 5 years.......
If you need more plants either become a caregiver or get off of the registry, as why should they have your address if your breaking the law anyhow? Just more likely to draw attention.....
and if you are going to caregive for others, keep in mind that the rules are changing again and you will more then likely need to disclose your grow location to the DOR. just a heads up in case you don't want your name buried deep in their systems.
and if you are going to caregive for others, keep in mind that the rules are changing again and you will more then likely need to disclose your grow location to the DOR. just a heads up in case you don't want your name buried deep in their systems.

The DOR only deals with dispensaries. It is the CDPHE [health department] that would handle caregiver registrations, and caregiver grow disclosures.

If your numbers are in line, why is it a big deal ? Seems like it would offer protection from LEO raids more than anything else. But then again it's the government. who knows.
just a big deal for some people and they need to be aware before getting into the larger scenario. and like you said .... it's the gov, so who knows .....
Why would you think that? Now you must register if you are a caregiver, including the location of the grow. What is to stop the LEO from stopping in to check on plant numbers.
in their mind, a cannabis plant is still a plant counted ... male or female. (they wouldn't know the difference anyways) I'm lucky to be able to keep a few males around for playing with, but if I didn't, I'd do a huge 12/12 on one and store the pollen for future use (generally can be stored for up to 18months. lately talked to a guy who says he is still using 20yr old pollen). that way you could have a fridge full of pollen waiting to be used and not worry about counts.