3 week old Amnesia haze growth stunted and leaves drooping!

I am growing an Amnesia haze autoflower outdoors. I put it outside 2nd week of seedling stage. I acclimated it, putting in direct sunlight for short periods of time for 3 days then direct sunlight after. My baby has grown very slowly. I know its growth is stunted, but I do not know why. I watered 2 days ago, because soil was dry. The day after watering the leaves drooped. I live in Thailand and was told that Am. haze would grow very well in this climate. I am attaching pics. All suggestions/advice will be very appreciated.

Am haze 3 weeks.JPGam haze wk 3 (2).JPGAM haze wk 3.JPG
Yeah, I know I over-watered. Should I keep in the sun or put it in shade? Over-watering one time doesn't explain
stunted growth.
Over watering is not a one time thing. It should be called watering too often. I put a dome on my seedlings and mist them. Keeps the humidity up.

And yes overwatering one time at that stage can stunt growth.

I don’t grow outside but I don’t see why you wouldn’t want it in the sun. Maybe someone else can help with that part.
I have never over-watered before, but the soil was very dry, because it is very hot and humid here. I saturated it this watering. My girl has been the size in the picture for almost 4 weeks.
I have never over-watered before, but the soil was very dry, because it is very hot and humid here. I saturated it this watering. My girl has been the size in the picture for almost 4 weeks.
Well I’m sorry to hear that you’re having problems buddy hopefully someone else can offer another opinion.
Total newb here and likely not the person to give advice but hey it's free and might be worth investigating future in the threads here till you find a likely match to what you have going on. I've been told that a seedling doesn't need any nutrients for the first part of its life. I'm guessing that the soil might be to hot for the little guy and you've burnt the young roots. Also hearing about the humidity being high could it have a light case of powdery mildew. If it is I don't know what you have available but whatever product you use if you do dilute it cause of the plants size. If it was me I'd flush it carefully and completely followed by drying it out as quickly as possible without hurting the plant. Maybe a heating mat to keep a constant temp to the roots while you do this. As far as the light question i'd not subject it to anything other than indirect light if its gonna be outdoors otherwse I'd place it under a fluorescent. If it hasn't changed in 4 weeks you don't really have anything to lose. My two cents worth! Good luck!
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