3 weeks flowering problem, Curling {pics}


Active Member
hey guys 2 plants hydro under a 400 watt hps. the room temp is 76 at the base could be hotter closer to the bulb. one plants leaves are curling ONLY at the budsites. so the leaves coming from the bud curl3 week flower.jpg and scoop downwards. sorry for pictures its a tight space in there. im using yeast for co2 and have good ventilation.
flowr 2.jpgwhats the problem here?


Well-Known Member
Yeah move your light up a bit, looks packed for just 2 plants guessin they are sativas. Get few good pics and might be able to pin point it a bit more bro.


Active Member
anyone else the pics are the best i can get right now.
the leaves kinda have a scoop look and curl down but are still green.
its only where the bud is and only on one plant.

is it nutes or heat? also theres some freckles of lighter green on the crurling leaves.
there are no bugs tho i checked.
any ideas?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i can't tell much from your pics, and you don't give many details. but it sounds like the dreaded claw. are you still using your veg nutes, it may be nitrogen toxicity. i was grow a sativa dom strain once and it hated the nitrogen. once you get it, it's hard to get rid of. you don't have to worry though, it won't kill em. may be a ph issue, what you running it at?
on a side note, don't waste your time with the co2 brew. even if it did work, you wouldn't benefit from it at all, since you said you get good ventilation. that fresh air would wash out any co2 you'd be getting, but you ain't getting any!


i dont know i have never grown but i have read some thing about it like you lights are supposed to be atleast an inch away from your plant i would try moveing your lights and as far the whole nitrogen thing i know nothing about that hope this helps good growing


Active Member
ph is always around 6.0
im using inonic bloom and boost which seems to have more nitrogen than most other bloom formulas.
the bud doesnt seem to be getting hurt tho? ill move the light up and tie them down again.